Chapter 4: A Pole's A Pole

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The rest of the day passed by in a daze of competitive races, extravagant sandcastles, lazy sunbathing and other various beach activities.

As the sky began to slowly darken, they began to pack up and leave, having been satisfied with their beach experience.

They made their way back to the trail and up the hill. Several different conversations breaking out between them.

The boys decided to drop the girls off at their cabin first, seeing as it was the 'gentleman' thing to do.

"Night sweetie. I'll see you in the morning," Nicole placed a small kiss on Tolkien's cheek.

Tolkien sighed happily. "Night sweetie."

The door to the girls cabin clicked shut behind Nicole and Clyde turned to him, an expression of pure befuddlement on his face.

"How have you guys been dating since fourth grade, but you still act like it's... fresh? " Clyde chuckled and shook his head. "It's not natural how much you guys like  each other."

"I don't know, she's just..." Tolkien shrugged, still smiling. "Perfect."

"Bullshit," Craig rolled his eyes. "Everyone has at least one thing they don't like about their partner."

"Oh yeah?" Tweek crossed his arms and cocked an eyebrow sassily. "What's the thing you d-don't like about me?"

"You drink coffee. So when I kiss you," Craig paused, trying to think of the right wording. "You taste like coffee."

"Is that all?" Tweek asked, slightly shocked.

"You also scream a lot," Craig nodded to himself.

"If those are the only things you don't like about me, I think I can live with that," Tweek smiled and interlocked their fingers.

They began trudging back to their cabin. The sky had turned a pale shade of violet and tiny silver stars were scattered here and there.

They were getting pretty close when Kenny caught sight of something up ahead. His eyes lit up and he cried out, beginning to run full force towards the object of his attention.

The rest of them were rather confused but they quickened their pace regardless, hoping to catch up to the short blonde.

Kenny stopped suddenly.

"STRIPPER POLE," Kenny gripped the flagpole in his right hand and leaned back, an excited expression on his face.

"Kenny," Kyle squinted. "That's a flag pol-"

"UP BUP BUP," Kenny stuck out a finger. "Don't you dare ruin this for me Broflovski."

Kenny turned to face the pole, admiring it.

"A pole only has the potential you let it have," Kenny propped a leg in front of the pole seductively.

"Oooookay, I'm going inside before Kenny starts grinding on the flag pole," Kyle strutted off towards their cabin.

"Yeah," Butters rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "We should probably get inside before the mosquitos start coming out."

"I was just joking," Kenny laughed, walking into their cabin. "Bunch of pussies."

The second he walked in, Stan made his way to his bed and flopped forward, collapsing with a heavy sigh.

"I'm sooooooo tired," he groaned, wiggling so he could put his head on the pillow.

"Ditto," Kyle laid down on top of Stan, in hopes to piss him off.

"Mmmmm," Stan just sighed and wrapped his arms around Kyle's shoulders, hugging him loosely.

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