1. Brothers Bachelor Party

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"Hey, you've reached Doug. Sorry I missed your call. Please leave a name and number and I'll get back to you." The phone line beeps, as Tracy dials Stu's number.

"Hi! You've reached Dr. Stuart Price with Divine Dentistry. Please leave a message after--" Tracy hangs up before the message can finish and Dials Evelyn's number.

"Hey, you've reached Evelyn! Or Eve... Or Ziggy if you're Phil. Actually if you're Phil that's probably why I haven't answered-" Tracy sighed, growing more frustrated with each voicemail, lastly dialing Phil's number.

"Hey, this is Phil. Leave me a message or don't. But do me a favor! Don't text me. It's gay." Tracy hung up, while her mother looked out the window for them, worried, before turning around.

"Anything?" She asked, offering her daughter a smile.
"I've tried them all. It keeps going straight to voicemail." Tracy responded, putting her cellphone down.

"Well, there has to be an explanation." She smiled, trying to comfort her daughter.

"Sweetie, it's Vegas. You lose track of time in those casinos." Tracy's father piped up, looking up to his wife and daughter from his magazine.
"There's no window's, there's no clocks. He's probably on a heater. And you never walk away frm the table when you're on a heater." He waved his finger, looking back down to his magazine.

"You do if you're getting married!" Her mother gave her father a stern look, before Tracy's cellphone rang and she immediately went to pick it up.

"Hello?!" Tracy said, with her hope built into the phone.

"Ahem, Tracy, it's Phil." Phil cleared his throat, as he spoke nervously into the phone.

Tracy stood up, rapidly. "Phil! Where the hell are you guys?! I'm freaking out!" She spoke, calm, yet aggressively, as Phil sighed.

"Yeah, listen... uh..." he sighed, struggling to admit to her "we fucked up."

"What are you talking about?" Tracy whisper yelled, walking away from her mother and dressing table.

"The bachelor party, the whole night. It.... Things got out of control and, uh..." Phil looked up to the sky. "... we lost Doug.." He admitted.

"What?" Tracy said sharply.

"We can't find Doug." He repeated.

"What are you saying, Phil? We're getting married in five hours!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah... That's not gonna happen..."


*Two Days Earlier*
-Evelyn's POV-

"Tracy wants to show me the bridesmaids dresses, and tell me a little more about the plans, so I'll be half an hour then you can come pick me up?" I say to my brother, Doug on the other line of the phone, following Tracy around the Venue of where she and my my brother would be getting married.

"Yeah, that's fine, I'm with Alan and we're getting fitted for our suits, plus I gotta talk to Sid, he said he wanted to talk to me about something, so I should be there in half an hour." He told me, as I could hear Alan in the background calling someone a pervert, while Doug explained that he's just measuring his inseam.

"Okay, have fun with that. Bye, Doug." I laughed, hanging up the phone and walking over to Tracy.
"So what do you think?! Isn't it amazing!" She gushed, with a beaming smile on her face, as she held my hands.

"It's great, Trace! God, it's so beautiful!" I agreed, glancing around the breathtaking venue once more.

"Isn't it!? Come on, I'll show you the bridesmaids dresses now!" She grinned, taking my hand and leading me into the dressing room, while her maid of honor, Christina, was getting all the bridesmaids to try on their dresses to make sure they fit.

"Emma, don't worry! I can just have the dress remeasured!- Oh, Tracy! Hi Eve!" Christina smiled, as she jogged over and pulled me and Tracy in for a hug. "Are you two ready for the greatest Bachelorette party in history!?" Christina looked at us with a smirk as she jumped with excitement.

"I can't wait! Last party as a free woman!" Tracy yelled, as all the bridesmaids wooed, and Christina began filling up glasses with champagne.
"Oh! I forgot to tell you, though. Eve won't be coming to the Bachelorette party." Tracy informed with a slight frown, as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I gave her an apologetic glance.

"What?! Why the hell not!? You're a bridesmaid!" Christina asked, with disappointment evident in her tone.

"Doug invited me to his Bachelor party." I informed her, frowning slightly that I was disappointing my friends.

"Aren't those things just for guys, though?" Christina scoffed, furrowing her brows.

"Usually, but Doug and Eve are really close! Plus, with her around them, at least I know they won't get into too much trouble."

"That's unless Phil locks me in the hotel room, and leaves me there." I roll my eyes, while the two girls giggle in amusement.

"Oh, please! If Phil was locking you in the hotel room, he would be locking both of you in." Christina wiggled her brows, suggestively, as I scrunched up my nose, and pointed my index finger to my tongue, letting out a fake gag.

"Oh, come on! There's no way you aren't attracted to him! He's a total dreamboat." Christina smirked.

"He might be good looking but he's a total ass." I rolled my eyes. I've know Phil for a long time, he's always been such a womanizer and a playboy. Being a feminist, I'd used to argue with him for how he treated women, but he always teased me and laughed it off. Okay, yeah, he kinda stopped that behavior when he married Stephanie, but he was still a dick towards me, and I just didn't like him.

"He's got a nice ass!... s-so, I've heard" Christina exclaimed, before piping down when her boyfriend walked in to give her-her purse back, prompting me and Tracy to laugh quietly.

I look outside and see Doug's car pulling up. "Damn, where'd he get that car?" I mumbled, causing Tracy to look over and immediately smile at the sight of her husband-to-be.

"Oh, that's my dad's car, he loves that thing more than anything, probably more than me and Alan too." She chuckled, and I smiled. "Enjoy Vegas! And remember, do not let them get into too much trouble.. I don't need anyone dying, getting arrested or getting lost before my wedding. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am." I grinned, rolling my eyes at her firm tone. "Have a good time at the Bachelorette party! I'll see you tomorrow!" I hugged her, before running outside, over to the car to jump in the backseat.

"What took you so long?" Doug asked, as I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up, you waited for like what? Five minutes?" I ruffled his hair.

"Hi Evelyn!" Alan waved, with a big, goofy smile on his face. Phil and Doug would sometimes tease me that Alan had a little crush on me, but I didn't actually believe them.

"Hey Alan!" I wave back with a smile, as he looked down with a slight blush staining his face. Okay, so maybe I should believe them.

"Whatever. We're heading over to the school now to get Phil, he's about to just finish work." Doug told me, and I let out a groan.
"He's not that bad, Eve! And he's going through a hard time right now, so just go easy on him." I furrowed my brows. What hard time?

"Fine. Whatever snarky comment he makes I won't respond." I sighed, folding my arms, in an attempt to being the bigger person.

"Thank you. And maybe even try being a little nice to him-" Doug was about to suggest, before I cut him off.

"Don't push it, Doug." I sternly told him.

"Okay. Sorry. Let's just go."

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