16. Wrong Doug

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The four of us were all in the car, listening to Stu count up the amount of money we got from the casino. "And 100, 200, 300, 400... With all this, that's $82,400!" Stu exclaimed, as Phil grinned and fist pumped the air. "Oh, goddamn it! I don't fucking believe it!" He laughed, as Stu and I both cheered.

"Alan, you're the man!" Phil told him, fired up.
"You are too, Phil." Alan told him, making his man-crush painfully obvious.

"We should come back next week, take the whole city down." Phil shared his thoughts.
"I don't think I'll step foot in Vegas for a very long time after this." I chuckled, my hand in my hair.

"Oh, I'm free next week." Alan piped up.
"Or we could just focus on getting Doug back, right now." Stu dragged them back on check, as I nodded, thinking about how Doug was doing right now, while I looked out of the window.

"Uh, you know what? Next week's no good, the Jonas Brothers are in town." Alan remembered. "But any week after that is totally fine." He added, while Stu just looked at him dumbfounded, while I smiled, too tired to laugh.

"I think it's safe to say that our luck has officially turned around, guys." Phil grinned in triumph, as the three of us smiled and agreed.
"We are back, baby. We are fucking back!" Phil hit the wheel, still grinning at me through the rearview mirror, as Stu turned to Alan and I.

"We're back! Classic!" Stu playfully punched Alan's chest, as Alan grinned and I laughed.
"WE ARE BAAACK, WE ARE BAAACK! WE ARE GETTING DOUG BAAACK!" Stu sang, causing me to laugh and shake my head.

"And we're the four best friends that anybody could have, we're the four best friends that anyone could have. We're the four best friends that anyone can have, and we'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever leave each other." Alan began singing, as Phil, Stu and I all exchanged a glance, smiling slightly as Alan continued singing on repetition.


We pulled up in a desert, in front of the black car owned by the small man. We waited a second before Phil piped up with a question. "Now what?"
"Give him the signal." Alan told him.
"What signal?" Phil asked, not understanding.

"Flash your lights. Let him know it's on." Alan explained. "What's on?" Phil asked again, causing me to huff at his lack of intellect right now.
"The deal, Phil!" I exclaimed.

"Of course it's on. We just drove 30 miles into the desert. He knows it's on." Phil replied, a I groaned.
"Phil, just do something!" Stu and I both impatiently yelled at him.

"Fine." He scoffed, before flashing his lights, causing the two car doors to open before us. "Oh, shit." Phil muttered, surprised that it worked.
"See?" Alan said.

"All right, let's go." Phil told us, as we all got out of the car. "Ziggy." He called, prompting me to look over at him with a hum for him to continue.
"Stay in the car." He commanded, making my brows knit in confusion.

"Wait, what?" I asked, crossing my arms. "These people are dangerous, so stay by the car." He repeated, looking at me seriously.
"I don't fucking care if they're dangerous! That's my brother in their car!" I exclaimed, as Phil pinched the bridge of his nose and walked over to me.

"Listen, we're gonna get Doug back, but in case these guys try anything else, I want you safe as possible, so will you please stay in the car?" He pleaded, looking down at me.

"I'll stay next to the car, but I wanna see Doug getting out." I compromised, causing him to sigh.
"Fine. That's good enough." He hesitantly agreed, leaning down to kiss my forehead, before walking over, while Alan climbed out the window of the car, falling over, as the small man began pointing at him and laughing.

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