7. Ruphylin

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We were standing outside of the hotel, waiting a Phil spoke to one of the outdoor receptionists, hopin to find out where the car is. Alan had put his sunglasses on the baby, which made me laugh from how big the sunglasses looked on the baby's small head.

"So, uh, are you sure you're qualified to be taking care of that baby?" Stu asked, with slight concern, as I kept looking at the baby, smiling at him, while I waggled my fingers in front of his eyes, causing him to giggle, making my heart melt at the sight.

"What you talking about? I've found a baby before." Alan narrowed his eyes, confused to what Stu was talking about. My eyes widened and I snapped my neck up to look at him.

"You found a baby before?" Stu questioned, as I let out a sigh.

"Yeah." He nodded, like it were no big deal.

"Where the hell did you find a baby?" I ask, raising a brow.

"Coffee Bean." Alan replied with a shrug.

"I think I'm starting to understand why you're not allowed within 200 feet of a school." I mumbled, crossing my arms.
"Wait, what?!" Stu's brows furrowed as he snapped his head over to me.
"Or a Chucky E. Cheese!" Alan added, as Stu looked between us, with his eyes wide, while Phil walked over to us, looking down at a parking ticket in his hand, and a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hey, Phil? I don't think Doug would want us to take the Mercedes." Alan explained, nervously.

"Relax, we'll be careful." Phil assured Alan.

"It's just, my dad is crazy about that car. He left Doug in charge--"

"Alan, I think we have bigger problems than your dad's car right now." I sighed, growing worried at the thought of my brother being lost anywhere in Las Vegas.

"Exactly!" Phil agreed, irritated with Alan.
"Doug could be in the hospital, he could be hurt, okay?" Phil added, making my stomach drop, as I look at him with my brows knitted upwards. He turned his head to look at me, noticing my worried expression, as he sighed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

"Hey, don't worry.. I'm sure he's fine." Phil whispered, as he soothingly rubbed my arm, kissing the side of my head as I just nodded.
"Yeah... I'm sure you're right." I gave him a small smile to let him know I was okay. 

"Let's worry about the car later." Phil told Alan, removing his arm from my shoulders, as I noticed Stu looking up to the roof. "What? What is it, Stu?" I ask, confused, before turning my head to look up in his direction.


"Uh, guys? Check it out." Stu told Alan and Phil, pointing up at the roof, as Phil turned around and Alan turned his head up to look at what Stu was talking about. There was a mattress pushed onto one of the statues on the roof, while a bunch of construction workers were trying to remove it.

"Is that the mattress from Doug's room?" Alan asked, squinting his eyes from the sun.
"Yeah.. I think it is." I nodded.

"What the fuck?" Phil looked up, even more confused, as he walked over to some guy, and we followed. "Hey, man, what's going on here?" Phil asked the guy, pointing up to the roof, while the guy rested his hand on the open trun of his car.

"Some asshole threw his bed out the window last night." The guy explained.
"No shit." Phil looked over at the guy.
"Yeah. Some people just can't handle Vegas." The guy looked at the four of us, with a pointing look, before slamming his trunk closed and walking 'round to the driver seat of his car.

"Ha-ha." Stu humourlessly laughed.
"Oh, god." He muttered, turning around.
"It's gonna be okay, Stu." Phil reassure him, as he patted his shoulder.

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