13. Mike Tyson

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We arrived back at the hotel, all of us exhausted and worn out, as we silently walked down the halls of our floor to get down to our hotel room.
"Wait, guys. Guys." Alan stopped us, breaking the silence, as we turned to look at him.

"What about the tiger? What if he got out?" Alan reminded us, in a whispered tone.

"Oh, fuck!" Phil sighed, throwing his head back. "I keep forgetting about the goddamn tiger." He said, frustrated. "How the fuck did he get in there?" He asked rhetorically, knowing that none of us had the answer.

"I don't know, because I don't remember." Stu sarcastically replied, looking at Alan pointedly.
"Funny. Me neither." I glared at Alan. Just because I apologized for snapping doesn't mean I totally forgave Alan for what he did.

"Shh. Stu. Eve, keep it down." Phil whispered, not to attract any unwanted attention from the tiger, as he went to unlock the door with the key card.
"Because one of the, uh, side effects of, uh roofies is memory loss." Alan informed Stu and I, as we both looked at him.

"You are literally too stupid to insult." Stu told him, while I nodded in agreement.
"Thank you." Alan literally thanked him, as I just rolled my eyes.

"Hey!" Phil whisper-yelled at us, as he pushed open the door of the hotel room, and we immediately could hear Phil Collins' "In the air tonight" playing over the speakers.

"Hey, come on." Phil waved us in, raising his voice a little more than a whisper, as the three of us followed him inside. "Did we leave the music on?" Phil asked, with a puzzled look on his face.

"I don't think so..." I answered, just as confused, as Alan loudly closed the door. "Hey! Shh!" Phil warned Alan. "Don't make any sudden movements." He commanded, as we walked further into the room, until Phil bumped into someone.

"Woah!" He jumped back, with his arms out in defense, while Stu let out a screech.
"Who the hell are you?!" Phil yelled at the man.
"No, who the hell are you?!" The man yelled back.

"Quiet, quiet." Another man called, as he sat at the piano, and the four of us looked over at him, with stunned faces as Stu, Phil and I recognized the voice.
The man turned around to stand up from the piano, and our eyes widened.

"Oh, my God. Is that-" I was about to ask before Phil cut me off.
"Mike Tyson?" He finished, as we looked at him, bewildered to what he was doing in our hotel room.

"Shh. This is my favorite part coming up right now." Mike Tyson hushed us again, as a drum part of the song came on, and Mike close his eyes mimicking his hands like he was playing the drums.

"I can feel it coming in the air tonight!" He sang as we walked over to him and he walked over to us.
"Need a chorus line, guys." He encouraged us to join in, motioning his hands like an orchestra, as we joined in quietly at first.

"But I've been waiting for this moment for all my liiifeee!" Mike continued singing. "One more time, guys." He quickly told us, as we all grinned and sang, "Oh, Lord!" As we finished the line, Mike socked a punch to Alan across the face.

"Oh, Jesus!" Phil exclaimed, as Stu and I gasped, while Alan dropped to the floor.
"Oh, fuck!" I yelled, as Phil and I crouched down to check if Alan was okay, while Stu still stood up, looking down at him, before we all looked to Tyson.

"Why did you do that?!" Phil questioned, looking back to Alan.

"Mr. Tyson would like to know why is his tiger in your bathroom." His bodyguard told us, as Phil and I stood up from Alan to stand in front of Mike and his bodyguard.

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