19. We look at these pictures one time. Deal?

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We busted through the doors, I had fixed Phil's hair in the car so it was slicked back. "Hey. Sorry, MapQuest took us on a really crazy route." Stu apologized, coming up with an excuse, as he pulled his jacket on, while we were all panting from how fast we ran from the car.


I stood next to Christina at the alter, while Alan, Doug, Stu and Phil were on the other side.
"What the hell took you guys so long!?" Christina whisper-yelled to me.

"Long story, I'll tell you later." I told her, through a smile, as Tracy began making her way down the aisle with her arm linked to her father's, while the wedding march playe on the piano, and all the guests stood up.

"She looks beautiful." I commented, smiling.
"That would be my work, I helped her get ready and done her hair for her." Christina declared proudly, as I playfully rolled my eyes and grinned.
"Well, you done an amazing job." I told her, truthfully.

"I know I did." She smugly replied, half-jokingly, as we looked to each other and jus laughed quietly.
"Where were you? And why are you so red?" I heard Tracy ask Doug, once she had reached the alter.
"Honey, it's a... long story." They both looked at each other.

"We are gathered here today because of the strength of love and of promises kept.." The minister began, and I looked over to Phil who was already looking at me. "You look stunning." He mouthed over to me, causing me to blush and mouth a 'thank you'.

"All I know is I am so sorry. And I promise for as long as we're married to never, ever put you through anything like this again." I heard Doug promise to Tracy, as the minister continued speaking.
"Can you forgive me?" He asked her, as Tracy smiled and took his hand in hers, interlocking their fingers.


After the ceremony, everyone was dancing at the gazebo, as the singer was singing seductively to the guests, getting up close and personal to some old lady, who looked to her husband, surprised.

I was standing over by the gazebo, watching everyone just dance as I finished my glass of champagne and placed it on a tray, one of the waiters who was floating about, carrying, before I felt two hands grip my waist, before spinning me around and picking me up, taking me by surprise, as I immediately knew it was Phil, when I felt him crash his lips on mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss, as he set my feet back on the ground, his lips never detaching from mine, as he longingly kissed me with passion, before we finally pulled back to catch our breaths.

"What was that for?" I asked, smiling up at him
"Haven't seen you since the ceremony. Plus, I thought we should talk.." He told me, shrugging his shoulders, as he grinned down at me, his arms still encircle around my waist.

"Okay? Do you wanna talk now or somewhere more private?" I asked, nodding my head.
"Probably somewhere a bit more private. Come on, follow me." He grinned, taking my hand in his as he led me away from the reception.

"I have to say, you look really good in that suit right now." I bit my lip, as I looked him up and down, once we had walked inside an empty room of the house. "You think so?" He questioned, smirking, as he placed his hands on my hips, pulling me in closer to him, as I hummed and nodded. "Well, I think you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress." He complimented, and I blushed. "Thanks." I smiled brightly, before he pulled me in for another kiss.

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