9. He's got a gun!

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Stu and Alan walked over to the cop-car with the High Roller boxes in their hands, as Phil and I walked behind, before I felt him lightly grab my arm.
"Ziggy... Can we talk about last night?" He asked, stopping us in our tracks. I look over at Alan and Stu to make sure they're out of earshot, before turning back to Phil.

"Well, uh... what do you wanna talk about?" I asked, as he let go off my arm, and I crossed my arms, while he shoved his hands in his pockets, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"I don't know.. The wedding? The sex? Nothing's changed between us... right?" He asked, with narrowed eyes due to the sun.

"Well, other than the fact that you're technically now my ex husband. No. I guess nothing's really changed..." I replied, as Phil let out a small, breathy chuckle.

"Okay, cool... Actually, Ziggy. I wanna tell you something-" Phil began, as I looked up at him, my eyes filled with curiosity and my heart racing slightly, as I pursed my lips. But before Phil could get another word out, he heard Stu suggest torching the cop-car.

"What the fuck?" Phil mumbled, before he turned his head back to face me, giving me an impatient smile, and sigh. "I'll tell you later. Okay?" He said, and I just nodded and gave him a small smile, when though I was kinda annoyed I had to wait to hear what he wanted to say.

Was it too weird? Did he not wanna be friends anymore? I suppose we never really were actually friends, just more like two people who grew up together because of connections, but still. I was actually starting to like him.. maybe more than I should. Or maybe he was gonna ask me out? I doubt it. I guess I'll just have to wait.

"Torch it? Who are you?" Phil asked as he walked over to Stu with a confused look on his face, as I soon followed behind him.

"I don't know, Phil. Apparently I'm a guy who marries complete strangers." Stu shrugged, as Phil sighed and placed his hands on his hips. "This whole situation is completely.. fucked." Stu spat, as he walked over to the trunk of the cop car and began pulling out a mug and threw it on the ground, along with the hat he yanked off Alans head, while Alan let out a whine.

"This car! It's all evidence of a night that never happened. That is why we're torching all of it!" Stu exclaimed, throwing his arms around.

"Stu, you can't torch a fucking cop car, do you know what the charges for that is?" I asked him, furrowing my brows, since obviously he wasn't thinking rationally.

"Yeah, I'm a schoolteacher, okay? I'm all for secrecy, but I'm not gonna torch a fucking cop car!" Phil told him firmly.
"Fine. I'll do it." Stu shrugged, unbothered.
"Stu-" I sighed, trying to convince him to rethink, before Alan cut in.
"Can I help?" Alan asked.
"Yeah, thanks." Stu agreed. "What about you, Eve? You wanna help?" Stu looked over at me.
"Do I fuck! I'm not going to prison for torching a damn cop car! No chance!" I scoffed, as a cellphone began ringing, and we all started searching our pockets to see whose it was.

"Shit, is it Doug?" Phil asked, as Alan shrugged and informed he didn't have his phone on him.
"It's Doug, it's Doug!" Phil exclaimed, as my heart raised up in hopefulness, before it got torn down when Stu informed us it was Melissa.

"Don't answer it." Phil told him, as he shut the trunk of the car.
"I have to. She's called twice already!" Stu yelled, emphasizing twice.

"Well, tell her you're busy." I shrugged, as Stu ignored what I said and answered the phone.
"Can I ride shotgun?" Alan asked me.
"You wish." I shook my head, and he sighed.

Alan got in the back seat and I hopped in the passenger seat, while Phil stood at the drivers seat, leaning on the open door as he shook his head impatiently at Stu, who got in the backseat, still on the phone with Melissa.

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