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7 months later

It's been 7 months since Vegas. Since my brother got married, and since Phil and I started a relationship.
A lot has happened in the past 7 months, Bella and Rachel had moved over to L.A. with their boyfriend's Steven and Felix, Bella asked me to join her band as a singer, along with her boyfriend Felix, who played guitar, and her bassist, Florence.

Felix and Phil seemed to get along well and after some convincing and encouragement from Rachel to Steven, he actually got along pretty well with them too. Rachel wasn't kidding when she said Steven was a bit shy, but he was really nice and a lot more relaxed when he had a couple of drinks.

Since Bella and Rachel moved over, we've been constantly going out together, whether it's just us three going out, or triple dates or going out to clubs with everyone. Although, none of us have really talked much to Alan since the wedding. I know he's still living with his parents, and acting the same, and I have spoken to him a few times when I go over to see Tracy and he's there, but we don't really talk about Vegas or a lot of other things.

Phil and I have been spending a lot of time together, going out on dates together, we've even talked about moving in together. Just an apartment, big enough for the two of us. We've had a look at a few places that were actually really nice. It kinda made sense just moving in together since we were already spending basically every night together either at my apartment or his.

Phil was a lot sweeter than I how I originally had pictured him. He wasn't just some sarcastic idiot, who used to annoy and tease me until I snapped at him, he was actually really caring and considerate.

He always helped me out with stuff, without needing to be offered, he was always buying me gifts any time he took me out, he would cook for me when I was at his apartment, he got my favorite records to play when i stayed over at his, he really was amazing. I never knew he had such a soft spot to him, I'd often tease him about it, to which he'd just roll his eyes and tell me to shut up, while I'd laugh, but I honestly really appreciated everything about him.

Of course, aside from being all sweet and caring, that didn't change the fact he could still be a sarcastic dick and make me roll my eyes at the dumb things he came out with. But that's what made me love him all the more. But I haven't told him that yet.

Anyways, on the topic of love, Bella is always talking about Felix. They've been together for almost 3 year's I think? And she's still so madly in love with him. Anytime she sees him, she starts blushing and giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush, I honestly hope I get what they have with Phil.

Felix loves her just equally as much, he's always writing songs about her for the band on his guitar, and taking her out to places. Like dinner, picnics in woods, the amount of polaroid pictures Bella has shown me and Rachel of her and Felix is ridiculous but they're so cute together.

Rachel and Stevens relationship has been progressing a lot more too. He's finally communicating with her more and imitating conversations. I think he's starting to feel a lot more comfortable around not just her, but other people as well.

Rachel's always gushing about him doing the bare minimum, like taking her out on dates to the movies, or even just talking to her. It's cute how crazy she is about him and every little thing he does.

Honestly the three of us are like three fourteen year old girls when it comes to talking about guys or having debriefings about people we don't like. Or basically any other thing we do together.

It's crazy how close I've gotten with them in just a few short months, but I don't think I've ever had such amazing friends like them. I literally would trust them with my life.

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