12. Confessions

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"Fuck those guys! You hear me? That was bullshit! I'm telling everybody we stole a cop car!" Stu exclaimed, infuriated, as we sat outside at the impound to collect the Mercedes.

"They let us go, who cares?" Phil asked, shrugging.
"I care! You can't just do that! You can't just Tase people because you-you think it's funny! That's police brutality!" Stu yelled.

"Well, at least we didn't get locked up." I offered, agreeing with Phil, while Stu raised his brows at me.
"Uhh, why exactly are you butting in this conversation? You didn't even get tased!" Stu pointed at me, while I rolled my eyes.

"All right, that's enough. Stu calm down." Phil motioned with his hand to calm down, as he looked at us.

"But how did they even let you off!?" Stu questioned me, ignoring Phil.
"Told them I was pregnant. Just didn't want the father to know." I shrugged, as Phil let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head.

"And they bought that?!" Stu asked, confused.
"Well, who got tased in the neck and who didn't?" I replied, grinning as he just glared at me, while Phil started laughing.

Stu took a deep breath to calm down, pausing before he said anything else.
"I'm getting a soda. Do you guys want anything?" He asked. 
"No." Phil replied, while Alan didn't even acknowledge Stu's question.
"Actually, can you get me a-" I started, but Stu quickly cut me off.
"Nope! You're not getting anything! You didn't get tased." He held his finger up, walking away.

"Fuckin' man-baby." I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes.
"My man doesn't shut up. Jesus Christ." Phil sighed, as he ran his hand over his stubble.

"Alan, you okay?" He asked, with concern, as Alan turned his head over to face Phil.
"I'm just worried. What if something happened to Doug? Something bad.." He contemplated worse-case scenario, which made my stomach sink and my heart race.

"Oh, don't say that, Alan! He's fine! He has to be!" I tried convincing him as well as myself, while Phil looked over at me, noticing I was picking the skin of my fingernails, and immediately put an arm around me.

"Come on, you can't think like that." Phil told both of us. He was really good at comforting people and being the calm and rational one out of the four of us. Most likely what he's picked up from being a teacher.

"I mean, what if he's dead? I can't afford to lose anybody close to me again. It hurts too much." Alan continued, which was only making me panic more, as I let out a shaky breath, before I stood up and Phil looked up at me, holding my hand in his.

"I'm sorry, Phil. I can't listen to this right now.." I whispered an apology, as Phil just nodded, understanding, and I walked off to go find Stu near the vending machines.

He looked over at me and sighed, looking down at the vending machine, which had dropped his soda down, and he went down to pick it up.
"You're not still mad at me, are you?" I asked him, holding my hand above my eyes to shield them from the harsh sun.

"No... I guess not." He replied, and I nodded.
"Good. Sorry I didn't get tased." I shrugged, causing Stu to let out a chuckle.
"Sorry I was being childish."

"I get it. Probably just the volts gone to your head." We both laughed.
"So, what was it you wanted?" Stu asked, referring to the soda.

"Oh, no, I changed my mind. Don't think i could keep anything down." I shook my head.

"Why? 'Cause you're pregnant?" He joked, as I rolled my eyes.

"Very funny. No. Alan keeps talking about Doug and it's really freaking me out." I told him, my smile faltering, as Stu looked at me with empathy, as he placed a hand on my shoulder and rubbed it, soothingly.

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