15. The Casino plan

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"You two were in that bathroom for a long time to just be cleaning Phil up. And he's barely even cleaned up." Stu piped up, breaking the silence in the car, while he drove. Phil sat in the passenger seat and Alan and I sat in the back.

"Uh.. yeah, I told you we couldn't find a cloth.." I murmured, looking down at my lap.
"Still an awful long time in there." Stu added, as Phil turned his head to glare at him. "What?" Stu asked, shrugging his shoulders.

It was silent for a moment before Stu piped up again. "Also we could hear you, by the way." He added, his eyes focused on the road as Phil and I groaned.
"Stu!" Phil exclaimed, glaring at him.
"Oh, God!" I put my head in my hands while Stu was chuckling and Alan sat confused to what we were talking about.

"You know, everyone says Mike Tyson is such a badass but I think he's kind of a sweetheart." Stu said, changing the subject.
"I think he's mean." Alan disagreed.

"All right. I think it's officially time we call Tracy." Phil spoke, pouring out his thoughts.
"Hallelujah! Finally, Phil says something that makes sense!" Stu sarcastically exclaimed.

"I mean, we don't have much of a choice. And maybe she's heard from Doug." Phil suggested.
"That's what I been saying this whole time." Stu nodded his head, while I furrowed my brows.
"Like when?" I asked, but Stu just glared and ignored me.

"We just need to be completely honest. We need to tell her everything." Phil continued, as Stu pulled over, looking at Phil. "We don't have to tell her everything. We can leave out the stuff about me marrying a hooker. Just stay focused on Doug." Stu nervously told him.

"What am I gonna tell my dad about this car?" Alan piped up. "Alan, relax. It's just the inside. Come on. I got a guy in L.A. who's great with interiors." Phil promised Alan, and just as he finished his sentence another car drove in the side of us, knocking us all the way over to a sign which said Adult, while we all screamed.

Phil started coughing, while we were all groaning, before a figure of a woman from the sign came crashing in the back seat, between Alan and I, causing me to scream in fear.

"ZIGGY!" Phil yelled, his head turned to the back.
"I'm okay! But good luck getting your interior guy with this." I sarcastically told Phil.
"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK NOW IS THE TIME TO BE CRACKING JOKES?!" Stu shrieked, snapping his neck to look at me, while I just shrugged.

The car which hit us reversed back from us, before they stopped and got out of the car, slowly walking over to us.

"I know that guy. That's the guy from the trunk." Alan recalled, while we all looked at him, as he stood in front of the car. "Fuck, he's right." I confirmed.
"Get out of the car. Please." The man told us, waving his hand for us to come out.

"W– W– Wait. Those are the guys that shot Eddie." Stu added, pointing to them, while the man told the other guys something in a foreign language, clapping his hands.

"Listen–" Phil began but was immediately cut off when one of the men pulled him out of the car through the window.
"Let's go." The man said.
"Okay! Easy!" Phil exclaimed, as he was being dragged out.

Stu got dragged out next. "Hey, relax! Ow. Ow. Ow!" He whined, as I just opened the door and casually got out, walking over to Phil and Stu.
"I have whiplash!" Stu yelled.
"Get this other fat boy." The small man pointed over to Alan.

As the two men pulled Alan out of the car.
"I want my purse back, assholes." The small man declared, as we all looked over confused.
"What? Your purse?" Phil asked, with his hands on his hips.

"That's not a purse, it's a satchel!" Alan corrected.
"It's a purse! Okay? And you steal from wrong guy." The small man pointed to all of us.
"Wait a second, wait a second. We stole from you?" Phil asked, looking over at the man.

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