10. Grandmother's Holocaust ring

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"Okay, what's up? You guys are acting weird." Jade asked, suspiciously, with a chuckle.

"Look, it's Jade, right?" Phil asked, as the four of us sat on her couch, basically squeezed together.
"Very funny, Phil." She walked over and grinned, assuming he was joking.

"Yeah, uh, Jade, do you remember my brother, Doug?" I asked her, sitting up, with my hands on my lap.

"Are you kidding? He was the best man at both our weddings!" Jade beamed, pointing between me and herself, as I coughed awkwardly at the mention of the wedding.

"Right, exactly. Well, we've been looking for him all day and we can't find him anywhere." I caught her up.

"Oh, my God! That is soo Doug!" She laughed, before Stu something which made him spit out his drink over Jade and Tyler, as Tyler started crying.
"Oh, sweetie, I'm-- I'm gonna go clean him off. It's all right, daddy didn't mean it." She comforted the crying baby, as she walked off into the bathroom.

"Stuart! What the hell is your problem!?" I quietly exclaimed. "What the fuck, man, you gotta hold it together." Phil told him.

"Holy shit!" Stu exclaimed, worriedly.
"She is super hot. You should be proud of yourself." Phil tried to encourage Stu, while I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Stu, She's beautiful. Plus, she seems lovely." I smiled.

"She's wearing my grandmother's ring!" Stu explained to us, ignoring our comments.
"What?" Phil asked.
"The ring I'm gonna give to Melissa! You remember, my grandmother's Holocaust ring?!" Stu elaborated, as Phil and I came to the realization what he was talking about.

"Shit, right." I ran a hand through my hair.
"Fuck. Okay." Phil put his head down in thought, with his hands together on his lap.

"I didn't know they gave out rings at the Holocaust." Alan said, confused, as Phil and I glared over at him, while Stu shot his head up, not able to believe what he was hearing.

"He's okay!" Jade returned from the bathroom.
"Good." I smiled and nodded.
"He was just hungry, he's fine." Jade explained, with a little chuckle, as she sat down on one of her sofa chairs.
"Oh, good." Phil nodded.
"Uh, about last night, uh, ahem, do you remember the last time you saw Doug?" Phil asked her, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Uhh, I haven't seen him since the wedding." She replied, looking up in thought.
"The wedding. Okay. Great." Phil took a mental note, before leaning over, accidentally on me, as he reached in his pocket to grab the napkin and the pen, before sitting back up.

"And, uh, we can't re-- What time was that at?" Phil asked, looking over with his brows knitted together.

"Well, it was, um..." She started, as she pulled down her sleeve and took out one of her breasts to feed Tyler, as Phil loudly cleared his throat, with his scrunched up fist over his mouth, while I snorted at his reaction.

"What? Have you never seen a woman breastfeed before?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head, amused at his reaction, while he just glared at me.
"I guess it was around 1, because I had to go back to work and finish my shift." She continued, explaining what happened, while Tyler fed from her.
"And then when I got out I headed over to the hotel with Tyler." She added.

"And was Doug there at that point?" I asked her, as Phil wrote it down.
"I didn't see Doug because you guys were passed out. The room was a wreck! So I just curled up next to Stu." She scrunched her nose up, looking seductively at Stu. "Uh-huh." Phil grinned at her, proud of his friend. "Rowr." She looked to Stu, as Phil and I raised our brows.

"Ooh." Phil looked over at Stu, still grinning, while Stu looked down, half-chuffed, half-awkwardly, before he waved his hand.

"I got a question. Um, you said when your shift ended. Does that mean you're a nurse? Or a.. blackjack dealer..?" He asked, hoping for an answer he'd like.

"You know this! I'm a stripper!" She informed him, proudly, as Stu just hummed in response.
"Well, technically I'm an escort, but stripping's a great technique to meet the clients." She continued, while I just nodded and shrugged.

"That's actually a good technique." I agreed.
"Mmhm, smart." Phil nodded.
"Savvy.." Stu replied, with a forced smile.
"Oh, Eve! I meant to ask! Are you a stripper too?" Jade asked, looking over at me.

"Who? Me?" I chuckled, my brows raised, as I pointed to myself. "No, I'm not, why do you ask?" I ask, confused.

"Well, your moves on the pole last night were amazing! You were an expert! Wow, I'm really surprised you're not a stripper!" She said, unbelievably, as my eyes widened, while a huge grin grew on Phil's face as he looked over at me.

"Oh, really?" He asked, still smirking at me, as I was shocked.
"Oh, yeah! She was swinging on the pole like a monkey! Bellatrix and Rachel were totally cheering her on, and the four of us were dancing together! Then she got off and started giving Phil a lap dance, and he was obviously loving it." She smirked, as she went on, while my face grew beat red with embarrassment.

"You don't say.." He chuckled, as I cleared my throat.
"Uh, Bellatrix and Rachel! That's a few times I've heard those names, are they strippers too?" I ask, sitting up, changing the topic, as Phil just looked at me, his grin still plastered on his face.

"Oh, no, Rachel's a bartender at the club and so is Bellatrix, although she sometimes plays with her punk band at the club too. They're great by the way! Bella plays drums and her boyfriend, Felix, he plays guitar!" She enthused, and I nodded my head.

"No kidding." I chuckled, considering seeing them, as I liked punk music too.

"Anyway, my escort days are all in the past, now that I married a doctor." She smiled over at Stu, who just shook his head.

"I'm just a dentist..." He finally admitted, as she shot him a confused look, before the door was slammed open, and barged in, two police officers, a Male and a Female, with guns.

"LAS VEGAS POLICE! FREEZE!" He pointed the gun at us, as the four of us leaned back on the couch with our hands in the air, and our eyes wide open, while the baby started crying loudly.

"Shut that baby up! Shut that baby up!" The policeman yelled, aiming his gun around, while Phil put his arm around my front, practically shielding me.

"OH, GOD!" Stu exclaimed.
"Okay, okay, okay!" Phil yelled, in surrender, with one hand up above his head while his other arm was over me.

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