11. Screw that!

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Phil was putting coins in the phone box, punching in the numbers to ring Tracy, while I put my arm up so he could stand at the phone box. The four of us were all handcuffed together, in the police station.

"So after we take the mugshots, we bring 'em down here, where they wait to be interviewed by the arresting officers. Trust me, kids, you do not wanna be sitting on these benches. We call this place loserville." One policeman said, pointing st us, while a few of the kids chuckled and a boy who looked to be about 12 or something winked at me, while his friends laughed, causing me to cringe.

"Did that fucking foetus just wink at me?" I scoffed, as the kids followed the police officer to was giving them a tour. One chubby, blonde boy stayed to take a picture of Alan, causing Alan to kick the phone out of the kids hand in anger, as the little boy looked at Alan, annoyed, while the telephone that Phil was holding rang.

"Heyy, Tracy! It's Phil!" He exclaimed over the phone, smiling nervously. "We are at the spa at the hotel!" He lied, as I leaned back on the bench, causing him to stumble back and shoot a glare at me, while I sat up straight and mouthed an apology.

"Of course he's around. Why wouldn't he be around?" Phil nervously told Tracy.
"Um.... We made a deal, no talking to girlfriends." He chuckled, "so, just- we're all calling each other's." He quickly thought of a lie and fed it to Tracy, while looking over at the three of us.

"Uh, you are not gonna believe this. We got comped an extra night at the hotel!" Phil exclaimed, lying straight through his teeth.

"Yeah!" He laughed. "The suite is– it's ridiculous! It's out of control. There's, like, room service and a butler. I mean, just the works, so... we were thinking of spending the night and then we're gonna come back totally relaxed in the morning." He assured her, before looking at me.

"She wants to talk to you.." He whispered, and I sighed, scooching over to stand up over the phone box, while Alan and Stu slid over and I took the phone from Phil, his hand practically just about in my face from the cuffs.

"Hey, Tracy..." I nervously greeted into the phone.
"Eve, is this true? You guys wanna spend an extra night in Vegas?" She asked, with a confused tone.
"Um, yeah! We're all just sort of hungover from last night, so we thought it'd be best to just spend another night here, and tomorrow we'll be fresh as daisies!" I cringed at my own words, but when I'm lying I just splurt out anything, really.

"But the wedding's tomorrow." She stated, still confused.

"Yeah.. That's why we're gonna get up really early, and we'll back for plenty of time! Trust me, you have nothing to worry about, I'll make sure we're there on time!" I promised her, immediately regretting that last part. Great, now I've just made myself responsible if we end up missing this wedding.

"Wenneck, Price, Billings, Garner! Room 3!" A police officer yelled out our names from down the hall and Phil and I snapped our necks over to him.
"Trace, I gotta go now, but I'll talk to you soon! Okay?" I immediately hung up, and the four of looked at our handcuffed wrists, realising they were all tangled together.

"Come on, chop-chop." The policeman hurried us.
"Okay, spin around." Phil told us and we all put our arms up and spun around but that only made it worse.

"Okay, what if i just-" I began, as I climbed one leg over the cuffs, so I was practically sitting on Phil's forearm, and I could tell he was smirking. "Shut up, Phil." I rolled my eyes, trying to get my other leg over.

"I didn't say anything!" He defended, and I turned around to find out I was right about the smirk. We finally untangled ourselves- well, Phil, Stu and I did, Alan was walking backwards with his arms crossed.

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