8. Mrs Wenneck

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We found someone who gave us directions to where the Best Little Chapel was, and were pulling up outside of it right now.

"What about the baby?" Alan asked, as we got out of the cop car.

"Just leave him in the car. We're only gonna be five minutes." Phil replied, nonchalantly.

"Woah, we're not leaving a baby in the car." Stu furrowed his brows and shook his head.
"Yeah, it's too hot outside, Phil." I agreed with Stu, crossing my arms over my chest.

"He'll be fine! I cracked the window." Phil shrugged, prompting me to roll my eyes, as I closed the car door.

We walked inside the Chapel, looking around the place until we saw a man helping a woman with decorations.
"What if they don't remember us?" Stu asked.
"Well, let's just find out." Phil responded.

"I'm sor- Excuse Me, sir? Hi." Phil called over to the man, who turned around and laughed when he saw us.
"Ha, ha, ha! Look at these guys! What happened? You miss me? You miss Eddie? You want more from me?" He grinned as he walked over to Phil and wrapped his arms around him, patting his back, while Phil let out an awkward chuckle.
"How are you, my friend? Look at this guy! You're fucking crazy!" Eddie exclaimed, pinching Alan's face, as he pulled him in for a hug also, which Alan returned. "What's going on, man?" Eddie chuckled.

"And you! You are one crazy bitch! I've met some crazy chicks but none as loca as you!" Eddie pointed at me, pulling me in for a hug, as I nervously laughed along with him.

"Listen, I'm gonna tell you something. I know some sick people in my life. This guy!" He pointed to Stu,
"is the craziest, wildest bastard I ever met in my life man!" Eddie told us.

"Who? This guy?" Phil asked, pointing to Stu, with a proud smile on his face.

"This guy is out of his mind! What's going on, you fucking crazy motherfucker?!" Eddie exclaimed, as he wrapped his arms around Stu, as Stu didn't return it, while Phil and I looked at him, grinning. Never guessed Stu would be the wildest out of all of us.

"I thought he was gonna eat my dick!" Eddie joked. oh.

"What happened? No love for Eddie? You don't hug me?" Eddie asked Stu, taking offense.

"No, no, no. It's not that, Eddie. Uh, it's just that we're having a hard time remembering what happened here last night." Stu informed him.

"Yeah, was there a wedding here? Do you do weddings here?" Alan asked, dumbly, as I sighed and shook my head, while Eddie laughed, probably assuming he was joking.

"You are cracking my balls, man." Eddie laughed.

"Eddie, obviously we were here. We're looking for our friend Doug. Do you remember?" Phil asked him, moving back on topic.

"Yeah, the small guy. Like a monkey." Eddie stuck out his hand, describing Doug's height, which made me chuckle.

"Yeah." Alan agreed.
"You saw him?" Stu asked, hopeful.
"Of course!" Eddie replied.

"Is there anything you can tell us about what may have happened last night?" Stu questioned, as Eddie looked around at the four of us.
"...You don't remember nothing?" Eddie asked, as he continued smiling.


We opened up a book which Eddie gave us, revealing photos of Stu with a blonde woman, as he looked at the camera and she looked at him, while holding hands. Stu groaned.

"Congratulations, Stu! You got married!" Alan congratulated Stu, as he looked at the photos.

"This-- This can't be happening." Stu said, stressing out, as he flipped the pages, which showed him holding the woman's breast, while all of us were beside him, causing Stu to groan again, stepping away from the photos and beginning to pace around.

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