5. A baby and A tiger

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I groaned as my eyes opened to be met with the harsh glare of the sunlight, blinding my eyes. I had no fucking clue where I was, but I could feel I was lying on something soft, with my arms wrapped around it, and two arms wrapped around me, holding me close. I turned my head away from the sun and I could hear something growl underneath me. This caused my eyes to immediately open wide.

I looked down at was I was lying on. It was a broad, tanned chest, with some hair on it and nice abs. My breathing shook, as I trailed my eyes up from the chest to the face of the owner of that chest. Phil fucking Wenneck!

He was peacefully sleeping, with his mouth gaped open slightly and a few strands of his hair in front of his face. I bit my lip at the sight of him and reached over to push his hair out of his face, smiling. what the fuck am i doing? My eyes narrowed and I immediately stopped what I was doing, ripping myself out of his arms, to sit beside him.

We were on the floor with pillow under our head and a thick duvet covering our bodies. That's when i looked down and realized I was completely naked. I gasped and held the duvet tighter to my chest.

I looked around the room. It was a fucking mess! Completely thrashed! There was things scattered and ripped all over the floor, both the TVs were tilted and lopsided, and glitching out. The furniture was all thrown over the place and some of it was broken.

I spotted Stu sitting on the couch, not doing anything. He must be in a daydream or something.
"Stu?" I asked, in a groggy, dehydrated voice. Jesus, I needed some water..

Stu turned around with a shocked, horrified expression on his his face. "What the fuck happened last night?" I ask, placing my hand on my forehead to shield my eyes from the Sun.

Just before Stu could respond, Alan came running out of the bathroom, naked from the waist down and tripped over Phil, falling on the floor, causing Phil to grunt at behind kicked and my to yelp as Alan almost fell on me.

"Alan! What the fuck!?" I yelled, as Phil rolled over and slowly sat up, with his eyes squinted from the Sun.
"Fuck!" Phil grunted. "Control yourself, man! Goddamn, will you put on some pants?" He turned his head down, with his eyes squeezed shut, while I scrunched my nose up in disgust and also turned my head away.

"Phil! Eve! Do not go in the bathroom!" Alan warned, sounding terrified.
"Why not?" I asked, clutching the duvet closer, to hide my modesty.

"Al, just calm down. It's me." Phil tried to calm Alan down.

"Phil, there is a TIGER in the bathroom!" Alan yelled. "A tige- Alan, what are you talking about? Are you still drunk?" I asked him.
"No! Eve, I mean it! There's a wild animal in there!" Alan promised.

"What's going on?" Stu asked, from the couch.
"There's a jungle cat in the bathroom!" Alan yelled, pointing to the bathroom, while he pulled his T-shirt down slightly to hide his dick, as Phil stood up, wearing his black jeans and his belt. I know this isn't the best time to be thinking about it, but fuck he looked so good right now.

"You okay, Ziggy?" He asked me in a groggy, morning voice. "Uh.. Yeah, I think so... My heads fucking pounding though." I reply, nodding, before I rub my temples.

"Okay, Okay! Al! Al, I'll check it out!" Phil grunted, as Alan continued yelling about a tiger.
"Don't go in!" Alan's voice went up an octave as he warned Phil.

"I'll check it out!" Phil assured him, as he walked over to the bathroom.
"Don't go in! Don't go in! Be careful! Don't, don't!" Alan continued, worried, as I watched Phil open the door, with one hand clutching the wall, while I was practically drooling over his back reflex.

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