18. We gotta get going

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"DOUG!!" Phil screamed out as he flung open the door to the roof. "DOUG!" I called out, as the four of us ran onto the roof. "Doug, you up here, buddy?!" Phil yelled, as Stu hopped over a pipe, calling out Doug's name.

Alan placed a bucket in front of the door so it didn't close behind us, and we all started looking for Doug on the roof. "Where you at, Doug?!" Phil yelled, holding his arm up above his head so the Sun didn't blind him.

"Doug!" I yelled out, my hands over my mouth so it was louder. "Doug!" Phil screamed, as I was starting to panic. "Hey, guys!" Stu called over, as we all flipped our heads around to look at him, my heart racing in hope.

"HE'S OVER HERE!" Stu pointed and ran over, as Phil and I looked at each other and grinned, before rushing over to where Stu pointed at.
"Hey, I found him! He's over here!" Alan called over, rushing over to Doug.

"Oh, shit." Phil whispered to himself, leaning his head back in relief. We ran over to Doug and Stu, and Stu looked over to us. "He's okay!" He yelled, exhilarated, as he looked back to Doug. "You're okay!" He exclaimed, before laughing.

"Oh, God. We gotta go, buddy. Come on!" Stu grabbed his hands and pulled him up from the ground. "Doug!" I exclaimed, running over to wrap my arms around him, causing him to groan in pain.

"Shit! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I continuously apologized, when i realized he was sunburnt all over.
"We have been looking everywhere for you!" Stu grinned. "He's alive!" Alan rushed over to hug him.

"What the fuck is going on?.." Doug asked in a tired and strained voice, as Alan and Stu helped him walk, while Phil walked over to us. "We can explain everything, but right now we gotta go!" Stu encouraged him.

"Hey, bud. You okay?" Phil asked, doubled over to look at him properly, with his hands on his thighs.
"No. Not okay." Doug replied.
"You look good, you got some color. I'm jealous." Phil told him, jokingly, as I rolled my eyes and had to purse my lips to not laugh.

"I'm getting married today." Doug said, matter-of-fact.
"Yes. You are. That's why you need to focus and do everything we say. Because, frankly-" Phil looked down at his watch on his wrist before looking back to Doug, "-you're-you're wasting a little bit of time right now. Look, if you want caught up, we were roofied, forgot you were up here, went through hell and back for two days and finally found you. Oh, and I'm fucking your sister." Phil summarized, as my eyes widened at the last part and I harshly nudged him, causing him to grunt and smirk at me.

It was silent for a moment, as we all looked to Doug.
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" He yelled, jumping on Phil, knocking him down, as I accidentally let a snort of laughter out, before composing myself.
"Oh, my God!" I feigned shock and a gasp.

Both of them grunted, as Phil got the wind took out of him for a second time today, and Doug rolled off him, whimpering in pain. "Oh, my skin burns! My skin burns!" He cried out, as I rushed Alan, Stu and I rushed over to the two of them to make sure they were okay.

"It's okay. It's not your fault, Doug." Alan leaned over him, placing his hand on Doug's face. "Don't touch me!" Doug smacked Alan's hand away. "Shut up." He pointed to Alan. "All of you, shut up." He told us. "Just get me home." He demanded, breathing heavily, as Stu hummed and nodded.
"Just get me home." He repeated.


"What about the one after that?" Stu asked over the phone, as Phil pushed Doug out of the hotel in a wheelchair, while Doug had a sunhat on his head and was drinking a bottle of water, and I followed behind them.

"You can not be serious!" Stu exclaimed, before hanging up the phone. "Oh, goddamn it!" Stu said, stressed and disappointed. "What? What is it?" I asked him. "Every flight to L.A. is booked." He told us. "What about Burbank?" Phil asked, as he continued to wheel Doug down the ramp of the hotel.

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