4. Las Vegas

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"Holy shit!" Stu exclaimed, as we walked into the hotel room, while Phil patted his back."Now, this! is Vegas!" Phil exclaimed, as he looked around. I let out a small gasp. I don't think had never seen anything so fancy, it was beautiful.
"I can understand why it costs this much now." I stated.

"Easy for you to say, it's not your credit card they have." Stu joked, nudging me, while I just rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Oh, my-- This place is enormous!" Doug beamed, as looked around.
"Now we're talking." Phil smirked, as we both walked over to the large window's, with a whole view of Vegas.

I stand next to Phil and we look out to see the incredible view. "I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful view in my life!" I exclaimed, with a small chuckle, as I looked up at Phil, who just looked down at me and smiled.

"Is this all on suite?" Doug asked, looking around, as he walked further in. "Thank you, guys. Or should I say, "Thank you, Stu"?" Doug joked, half-heartedly.
"You're welcome. It's only because I love you." Stu pointed at Doug.

"Okay, ladies, pick a room, get dressed. Let's be ready in 30 minutes." Phil told all of us, with his arms spread out, as he continued admiring the view, in front of us.


I was in my room getting dressed for tonight. I wore a black, sleeveless, mockneck dress, that stopped mid thighs, paired with long, black, high-heel, leather boots that reached just below my knees.

For jewelry, I had on, gold hoop earrings, a couple bracelets and necklaces and a few rings on my fingers. My makeup wasn't anything too crazy, just some eyeliner, mascara and a bit of dark red lip stick.

I hear Phil and Doug already went in Stu's room, so I grabbed my black handbag and walked in there.
Phil was on the bed, wearing a black suit with his hair slicked back. I'd be lying I said he didn't look so damn hot right now..

"Hey, guys! What's going on?" I asked, as my smile sort of dropped when I looked around the room to see not so happy faces from everyone. However, I noticed Phil's face softening when he saw me. His jaw had slackened slightly, as his eyes roamed me up and down, taking in my appearance. I blushed, but tried to ignore him, as I continued looking anywhere but him.

"I'm gonna propose to Melissa! At Doug's wedding, after the ceremony!" Stu exclaimed, his happiness returning, as my eyes widened.
"Well.. what do you think?" Stu's smile was slowly fading when I didn't immediately congratulate him.

"What do I think? I think it's a big fucking mistake." I told him, honestly, with no hesitation.
"Thank you! That's exactly what I said!" Phil clasped his hands.

"Stu, have you been listening to anything Phil and I have ever said!?" I furrowed my eyebrows, in confusion. Why the hell would he want to marry someone like Melissa?

"We've been dating for three years. This is how it works!" Stu defended.

"A, that is bullshit.-" Phil rolled his eyes.
"And B, she's a total bitch! I don't get it. I really don't understand." I sighed, frustrated. I cared about Stu a lot and he deserves someone a whole lot better than Melissa.

"Hey, guys! that's his fiancée!" Doug defended Stu. He was always trying to keep the peace and make sure his friends were happy.

"What? It's true! It's true. You know it's true! She beats him!" Phil stood next to Doug, with a stressed tone.

"That was twice! and I was out of line.." Stu defended his girlfriend.
"Doesn't matter how many times it was, and it doesn't matter how out of line you were, she has no right to beat you!" I try telling him, while Phil agrees.

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