3. Caesars Palace

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We stopped at a gas station, I came out from using the rest room and began lookin for snacks for the rest of the trip since I was getting hungry.
"Hey, Ziggy! Think fast!" Phil called over to me, as I examined the snack aisle. I turned around with knitted brows and immediately shut my eyes and caught whatever it was he threw at me.

I opened my eyes after a second to see Phil smirking at me, and I looked down to see he had gotten my favorite bag of chips. "Thanks..." I muttered, with a small smile, while he walked off to grab another bag of lays and a drink.

Phil, Doug and I stood in line, watching while Alan yelled at an old man who simply complimented the car. "Yeah! You better walk on!" Alan shouted.

"He's actually kind of funny." Phil shrugged, eating his lays.
"Yeah, he means well." Doug responded in agreement.

"I'll hit an old man in public!" We heard Alan yell, causing me to laugh because of Doug's previous opinion.
"Yeah... I'm sure he does.." I looked at Phil and Doug, with a smirk. Doug rolled his eyes while Phil smirked down at me, before he looked back out at Alan.

"Is he all there? Like, mentally?" Phil asked, still eating his chips.
"I think so. He's just an odd guy. You know, he's kind of weird." Doug assured him.

"I mean, should we be worried?" Phil questioned.

"No." Doug shook his head.
"Probably." I shrugged, saying it the same time as Doug said no.

Doug glared at me and looked up to Phil, shaking his head no once again, while I just sighed.

"... All right." Phil nodded slowly.

"Tracy did mention that we shouldn't let him gamble... Or drink too much." Doug advised.

"Jesus, he's like a gremlin. Comes with instructions and shit." Phil joked.
"Yeah, I hope he came with a manual." I added, causing Phil to chuckle.

"And one water." Stu said to the cashier, as he came up from behind us.
"Oh, hey Stu." I said, as Stu smiled and nodded at me, while I handed the cashier my stuff, reaching into my pocket to grab my purse, before Phil stopped me, placing his hand on my arm. "Don't worry, I'll get it." He assured.

"Are you sure? I don't mind-"
"No, no, seriously. it's no big deal." He shrugged. Wow.. wasn't expecting that.
"Oh.. thanks, Phil." I gave him a tight-lipped smile. Maybe he won't be too bad..?
"Don't mention it." He returned the smile. His smiles so pretty... shut the fuck up.

"All good with Melissa?" Doug asked Stu, leaning on the counter.
"Oh, yeah! Told her we're two hours outside of wine country, and she bought it!" Stu said, proudly, while Phil and I exchanged a similar glance. We may not agree on a lot of things but hating Melissa was one of the few things we agreed on.

Phil turned around, placing a hand on his hip, leaning on the counter also, while the cashier scanned the items behind him.
"Don't you think it's strange that you've been in a relationship for three years, and you still have to lie about going to Vegas?" Phil asked.

"Yeah, I do. But trust me, it's not worth the fight." He chuckled.
"Then why bother? If she's gonna fight you on everything you wanna do, why put up with her?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Oh!.. So you can't go to Vegas but she can fuck a bellhop on a Carnival Cruise Line?" Phil mentioned, standin up straight.
"Hey.." Doug tried to calm him down.

"Okay, first of all, he was a bartender.. And she was wasted!" Stu defended Melissa, while Phil stared at him with a blank expression.
"And, if you must know, he didn't even come inside her!" Stu continued, while I scrunched my nose up.
"Didn't need to know that much.." I mumbled.

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