14. We all do dumb shit when we're fucked up

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Smut warning near the end.

We creeked the door open, silently, as Stu and Alan pulled the luggage cart out of the room, with the sleeping tiger on it and a white sheet on top to cover the tiger.
"By the way, we're all gonna die." Stu told us, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was behind him.

"Shut up, Stu. Don't be so dramatic." I rolled my eyes. "Coming from the girl who ran out screaming and crying because she threw a steak to a tiger." Stu responded, glaring at me.

"You didn't even go in because you were too much of a pussy!" I quietly exclaimed, as Stu opened his mouth to say something but Phil cut him off.
"Guys! Quiet!" He whisper-yelled at both of us.

"... She started it." Stu muttered under his breath.
"Grow up." I rolled my eyes.
"Both of you grow up." Phil sternly told us, frustrated with us, as I walked beside him, Stu accidentally turned the cart the wrong way and the tigers nose ended up hitting the wall.

"Oh, God." Phil sighed, walking over
"Watch it!" Alan whisper-yelled.
"His nose! That's his nose!" Stu quietly exclaimed, as Phil and I stood against the wall for a moment so they could try and steer the cart.


"How the fuck is this gonna work?" I ask, as the tiger was in the backseat, and the three of us were trying to think of a way on how to get all four of us in the front.

"Shit.. okay... uh, how about this? I drive, you and Stu squeeze in the middle, and Alan, you sit at the passenger seat." Phil recommended, clasping his hands, as the three of us nodded.

Phil sat in the drivers seat, I squeezed up beside him, and Stu scooted up beside me.
"Uh, guys, I don't think that's gonna work.." Alan told us, as we looked over at him and realized there was practically no space.

I groaned, before an idea came to mind.
"Stu, get out of the car." I told him.
"You can't just leave me here!" He exclaimed, prompting me to roll my eyes.
"No one's leaving you here! Just get out the car!" I told him, as he slid over and got out of the car, while I followed him.

"Okay, go scoot up next to Phil now." I commanded, pointing over to Phil, as he nodded, and got back in the car. "Okay, now Alan, you sit next to Stu." I instructed him, as he got in the passenger seat next to Stu.

"What about? Where you gonna sit?" Alan asked.
"Oh, right here." I shrugged, before climbing over their laps an laying down on my stomach, with my face on Phil's lap.

"Woah! What are you doing?!" Stu shrieked, holding his hands up, as I rolled my eyes.
"Relax, there was no other way we could all sit at the front." I told them, my arms dangling over Phil's lap, as he coughed.

"Everything okay up there?" I teased, looking up at Phil through my eyelashes, with a sly grin, as he tightened his jaw.
"It's not up here, you should be worrying about." He said, through gritted teeth, causing me to blush, while Stu groaned, and Alan didn't even respond.

"Alan, quit looking at my ass!" I scolded, as he cleared his throat and apologized, looking ahead, as Phil began driving.


We were still in the car, I was drawing invisible circles on Phil's thigh with my finger out of boredom, while he drove, one hand on the wheel and the other occasionally playing and twirling my hair.

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