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Alejandro slipped his books into his locker, feeling the busy atmosphere of the school hall surrounding him. It was loud and full of people rushing through, the sound of talking students echoing of the walls. Turning around, his eyebrows raised at what he saw across the hall from him, his thoughts racing.

Obviously, he had began to become more curious about Noah. At the end of the day, the nerd wasn't even doing anything wrong. He was just smarter, and that's what annoyed Alejandro. Being constantly told off by his parents and being harassed by his brother for his performance at school was getting on his nerves. Especially since he was doing amazing.

When Alejandro saw Noah across the hall signing his name onto a form, he grew curious. As soon as the bookworm had walked off, he pushed through the crowd of students to read it.

Maplebrook High Class President Elections

Dear Students of Maplebrook High School,

As the new year begins to flourish, we look for the new class president of this year. This role will be given to not only the most hardworking, determined student, but also the student who shows kindness and respect to their peers. We ask anyone interested to list their name on the sign-up sheet below for extra details. Thank you, and good luck! 

Kind regards, Principal Adams.

Alejandro scanned the list below, reading the names of all the people who had signed up. There were many names he recognized. Harold Norbert, a geek from his science class last year. Alejandro knew that if it was a popularity contest, there would be no way he would win.

Further down through this list were other names he had recognized. Courtney Satella, a girl he had interacted with once. She was one of those scary, a-list students, and she had an attitude. Lindsay Top, one of the dumb, popular blondes of the school. He didn't even know why she was signed up.

And after a few more names, there it was. Written in neat, thinly spaced handwriting. Noah Sterecra. Alejandro sighed, not sure how to react to this. The thin, ingenious and heavily introverted boy who was beating him in every subject by the slightest difference, signed up for class president. The boy he wanted to badly to beat.

As that thought popped up in his mind, he frowned to himself, fighting his angry, almost jealous mind. He tried to remind himself that Noah had done nothing wrong to him except outsmart him accidentally, but his mind tried to convince him otherwise. Envy bubbled inside of him as he pondered, his eyes glancing over the list, with a misplaced pen blu-tacked to the messy, paper covered wall, hanging off by a single blob. His hand reached forward, before slowly writing his name right below Noah's.

Now, right under the bookworms name, written in beautiful cursive writing, read Alejandro Burromuerto. He walked away, smirking to himself. Now all he had to do was win this role, and he would've beaten Noah by a mile.

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Noah sat down at his lunch table, his friends turning their heads and grinning at him. He had been with this friend group for years. There was Eva, a fierce, angry but surprisingly kind girl that looked much to muscular to be even considered feminine. Izzy, an almost insane, frizzy haired girl who at this point, Noah was convinced she needed to pay a visit to a professional for the amount of things only not-mentally-okay people would do. And at the end of the table, there was Emma.

Emma and Noah had dated a year or two back. They were amazing together, being a power couple, and being quite well known around the campus for how well they worked together. However, they broke up because Noah began to lose feelings, and that's when he realised that he wasn't into girls anymore. They were great friends now though.

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