Conflicted Feelings

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hi guys! just saying that obviously since in this AU total drama never happened, I'd just like to inform you that some relationships between characters in the show won't be related to this fanfiction. To avoid confusion, I thought I'd let everyone know.

A few days passed, and the school president elections got closer. Noah had started trying to avoid contact with Alejandro, his feelings for him conflicted. After their past interactions, he couldn't help but feel a spark, no matter how much he hated himself for it. Whenever Noah thought of the guy, his mind became a mess of hatred and fluster that confused him to the point where he didn't even know what to say to him anymore. So he just avoided him.

Luckily, Alejandro had slowed down his sabotage too. Neither of them wanted to be pulled out of the election, so in order to stay there, Noah and Alejandro both had to at least pretend they didn't hate each other.

Noah walked up to his friend's table, and smiled to himself when he saw them all waiting for him to sit down as Izzy jumped up.

"Noah!" She yelled with happiness, before sitting down. Everyone else flashed him a smile, and just for a couple seconds, they all looked around to each other and started giggling. Noah looked up, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you guys laughing about?" He asked, smiling a little bit as he saw their faces. Emma whispered something in Eva's ear, signalling her to speak.

"So Noah..." Eva chuckled. "We've been talking, and all of us have been noticing how you act around Alejandro... is there something you want to confess to us apart from the fact you hate him?" Everyone laughed to themselves as they saw Noah's cheeks flush a bit.

"What do you mean?" Noah leaned back, surprised. He didn't think his feelings were obvious, and if they were, now he had just began to overthink how stupid he would look in front of his rival he had just automatically assumed was straight. He chuckled awkwardly, trying to relieve the tension.

"We mean, we think your secretly crushing on Alejandro!" Izzy cackled, grinning a smile Noah thought was too wide to be natural. Eva and Emma burst into laughter at the sudden outburst, while Noah stood up quickly, trying to defend himself.

"Okay, I am not crushing on him. He is a little fuckwat!" Noah felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he scanned over his friend group, trying to hide what he was feeling for the man. 

"Oh really?" Eva couldn't stop giggling, questioning him. "Then how come not only Izzy managed to see him pin you to the lockers the other day, but she also told us about your little situation in detention as well?" 

Noah's cheeks flushed and his eyes widened as he realised. "Izzy, why are you always spying on me?!" He shouted, while Izzy started laughing once more, slamming her head down on the table.

"I'm not always spying on you." She cried. "Just when your with Alejandro! And I'm glad I did, because how else would I have seen him protecting you from a falling shelf?"

"Damnit..." Noah groaned, blushing. "And so what? Just because he protected me from getting hurt and he may have a thing for me doesn't mean- holy shit." He rambled on, trying to defend himself, but stopped himself as he thought. "Oh my god."

Everyone's mouth gaped open at his sudden realisation, and Eva covered her mouth with shock.

"Oh my god. You think Alejandro has a thing for you?" Emma said, chuckling a bit. "I mean, he did get hit by a falling bookshelf just to make sure you didn't get hurt."

"No! He is straight, it's obvious." Noah grunted, sitting down. "There is no way he'd like me, even if he was into guys, which he's not, and also, we are enemies!" With this, Izzy, Eva and Emma all exchanged glances, looking back at Noah with an awkward gaze as he sat there, crossing his arms, his expression gradually getting more and more confused.

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