Unwanted Collaboration

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Noah quickly walked out of the classroom, the bell ringing to signify the beginning of first lunch. His morning had been quite uneventful following his payback on Alejandro, and now all he could do was wait. He had also noticed the atmosphere of the students around shifting. At the beginning of the day, a lot of attention was on him regarding the rumours Alejandro decided to spread. Now that he had proved them wrong, the attention was now on another person.

After a few minutes of walking, Noah reached his locker placed outside his form classroom, and opened it to place his books back. He had just come across campus from a class on the opposite side of school, so it had taken awhile. As he unpacked, and unconsciously began shifting items around his locker as he began to recap the events of today's class. Just as his mind shifted back to Alejandro, he heard loud and fast footsteps approaching him from the left, and as he turned around, he felt a hand spin him around and slam him against his locker door. At this point, the group of lockers outside this particular class felt like a meeting point for them.

Alejandro looked enraged, pinning Noah up against the metal containers with his eyebrows furrowed. He was quite close to the bookworm, which was causing a bit of attention from other pupils. Neither of them noticed it though.

"Who the fuck do you think you are Sterecra!?" Alejandro snapped, his grip on Noah being hard and forceful. He leaned closer, blinded by rage. Noah looked up at him with surprise, feeling the tall, tan skinned teens chest brush against his. As much as he hated it, this made his cheeks flush the slightest little bit. He gritted his teeth and tried to ignore it, hating himself for even thinking of such a thing in the situation he was in.

"Get the fuck off me." Noah spat, just as Alejandro realised how close he was. Noah's rival looked him up and down, quickly removing his arm that was pinning him down as his cheeks went red. Alejandro looked frozen in shock and fluster, stepping back, his mind filling up with mixed emotions.

Alejandro furrowed his eyebrows, looking back at Noah, his heart beating furiously. He needed to get out of the conversation, as he could feel his stomach flipping. He was very embarrassed. Noah pressed himself against the locker, also feeling the same way as his gaze faded around to the people watching from afar. His rival was too shocked to speak as he stepped back.

"I hate you so much." Alejandro whispered in a gruff tone, before walking off.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Alejandro walked off as fast as possible, his mind filling with a blur of emotions. He needed to clear his thoughts. His stomach was fluttering, but his brain kept trying to shut the thoughts down, angry at himself for getting embarrassed like that. Without thinking, he opened the door to an empty classroom, and slammed the door as he sat inside. He began thinking, banging his head against the wall as he tried to regain his thoughts.

He repeated the thought over and over in his mind. "I do not like Noah." Alejandro muttered, saying it over and over and trying to get it through his brain. After all, the boy was his enemy. If he began crushing on him, that would cause him so many issues, especially since Noah was his main competition and main roadblock to finally being appreciated by his family just a tiny bit. His anger bubbled in his stomach as he thought of Noah more. It had been 3 fucking days, and Noah had gone from a stranger to some sort of complex enemy that he had feelings for.

Alejandro slid down the wall and sighed, curling up and slamming his head against his knees.

"Fuck..." He muttered. At that moment, an announcement played through the speakers, causing his head to flick upwards, scaring him a bit with the sudden volume.

Alejandro Burromuerto and Noah Sterecra, please immediately make your way to the student engagement center. Thank you.

Alejandro stood up, cursing under his breath as he opened the door and started walking towards the office, his mind clearing up as he brushed the thought aside. People began to look at him with weird glances as he made his way down, and after a few minutes, he slid through the door to the brightly lit room. There was Noah in front of him, looking him up and down with an unreadable expression as he sat on a chair nearby. Just as Alejandro went to go sit down on the opposite side of the room, a teacher he recognized well emerged from a small door. This was Mrs. Barber, a teacher in charge of student interaction around the school.

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