Two Truths and a Lie PT.2

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The room was struck with tension. Everyone in the room was confused, nobody knowing whether the two boys were enemies or friends. Alejandro looked over at Noah, also watching Courtney from the corner of this eye with interest. Everyone waited for Mrs. Barber's confused, jaw dropped mouth to start speaking.

Alejandro knew deep down he was fucked either way. Now that he knew José was here to speak on the matter as well, his older brother would not be hesitating to share his opinion on the moment he interrupted when barging in to Alejandro's room. Sure, Alejandro had scared his big brother off, but that didn't mean it was permanent. Now he was at serious risk. 

Meanwhile, Noah was thinking the same thing. It had been obvious that there was no way out, and if he got exposed for dating Alejandro, his father would be first to hear out of his many family members. He hadn't told anyone yet about Alejandro in his household except for a few of his older sisters, but none of the adults in the household even thought to consider his love life.

"Well. Let's see here." Mrs. Barber murmured. "As far as I'm aware parents, this originated from Noah and Alejandro here. I've been informed the two are enemies, and have been sabotaging each other since the start. Unless you three adults have been informed separately, this is how it always has been between them."

"Well, I was made aware of Noah last week. As you may know, there was quite a large party thrown by a boy from this grade that both Alejandro and Noah attended." Mr. Burromuerto stated. He was a very serious looking man, sitting up in his chair. He looked like an older version of José, and was very snobby looking. "Noah came home with Alejandro, and we were made aware of their friendship."

Courtney whirled around to Alejandro, who looked stressed. "What do you mean?! You and Noah are enemies! Why did he come home with you?!"

Alejandro groaned, leaning back in his chair. "Look, it's complicated. It's hard to explain alright?"

With two groups of people in the room with completely different views on the boy's relationship with the bookworm, it was very confusing. Noah sat there with a sigh, making eye contact with his dad.

"Noah, on the day of the party, you went home with Alejandro, correct? What was the situation?" Noah's dad asked. "You could of easily informed us you were staying over at a friend's, but you made me and your mother panic!"

Noah gritted his teeth. He couldn't just openly admit that he got drunk and had sex with his now boyfriend, that was once his enemy. As far as his parents were aware, he got into a situation he didn't nessacarily want to talk about, and they didn't push past it for some strange reason. Well, until now.

"Mrs. Barber, if I may speak?" Courtney crossed her arms, sitting up and looking over at Alejandro. "Mrs and Mr. Burromuerto, I completely understand your confusion. I here thought Alejandro and Noah were enemies. I would be personally overjoyed to hear why Alejandro here has been lying to me!"

Mrs. Burromuerto looked the girl up and down with judgement, nodding her head slowly before turning back to the young teacher. José sat by his mother, smirking at Alejandro. He knew information that could completely escalate this to be more dramatic than it already was, and it scared the spanish teen.

"Noah, you haven't spoken yet. Care to explain this frenemies situation you have going on with Alejandro?" Mrs. Barber scowled at the bookworm. He had to think of something fast, and he decided to make it up as they went along.

"Mrs. Barber, okay. Me and Alejandro are conflicted, I suppose." Noah chuckled nervously, glancing around at his boyfriends parents and his own father with fear. "We have lots of arguments, but uh..."

Shit. He was stuck for words. José raised his hand with interest, finally having figured out what was happening. The whole room turned to him, before slowly glancing back at Alejandro's pleading face.

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