Blood Noses and Concussions

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AUTHORS NOTE: Ignore the title. I wasn't feeling creative. Also lots of foul language!

It took a few moments for Noah to open his eyes. Every part of him hurt. It was quiet in this strange room he had woken up in. Very loud, full of chatter. But as his senses returned one by one, the pain came to him.

"Ah shit..." Noah groaned, holding his bandaged nose. He had to breathe through his mouth, due to the bloody tissues blocking his nostrils. Everything hurt.

"Noah, your awake!" Mrs Halt sighed out in relief, stepping away from Noah's concerned mom from the side of the room. She placed a hand on the bookworm's sore back, causing a wince to come from him. She stepped back as Noah's mother came foward.

"Oh my dear, are you okay?" Mrs  Sterecra asked with sympathy in her eyes. "What happened?"

Noah breathed out of his mouth, wincing as his hand fell to his bruised stomach. He could barely move because of the damage Duncan had inflicted on him. After all, the punk's punches were really hard. He couldn't speak due to the aching from his body. So Noah just sat there in silence as Mrs Barber walked in with a stressed look.

"Ah good, Noah, your awake." Mrs Barber smiled at the injured boy with pity in her eyes, seeing the pain on his face. "And Mrs Sterecra, its nice to meet you. Have a moment? I'll be happy to explain, it's uh... quite a long story."

Mrs Sterecra and Mrs Barber stepped to the side, talking amongst themselves. Noah's mom's face slowly turned from a pitiful look to a look of pure horror.

"Oh my god..." Mrs Sterecra mumbled, her accent thick. "Noah, my boy, I'm so sorry. Do you need anything?" She asked, laying a soft hand on Noah. The bookworm shook his head, too stunned to speak. As his mind drifted, he began to try and remember the previous events. That's when it hit him. Alejandro.

"Alejandro is still waiting for me!" Noah gasped out, sitting up with panic. He suddenly forgot about his pain. After all, his one priority right now was much more important than a few little bruises; sorting things out with Alejandro.

"Noah, lay down!" Mrs. Barber stepped forwards, pressing Noah back down onto the bed. The sudden movement had made the bookworm very dizzy, he had realised, and his senses were now blurring. "The nurse doesn't want you moving. Duncan hurt you very badly, and your gonna need some time to heal. You don't have to worry about Alejandro."

"Ouch..." Noah winced out, his thoughts being crashed over by a wave of blurred confusion. His brain was struggling. But his mind was still drifting to his ex-boyfriend and how he was still waiting. "Where is he?"

"He's fine. We got some staff to get him from his car and tell him what's happening. He's in the office right now." Mrs Halt murmured to Noah. "For now, you need to stop panicking!"

Noah groaned out. He needed answers, but his brain was too clouded right now to even think about what was happening properly. Meanwhile, the nurse had walked back into the room.

"Ahem." She cleared her throat, gaining attention from the three focused women in the room and glancing back at the zoned-out Noah. "So, the scan was finished. Unfortunately Noah here has a mild concussion, and he's quite heavily bruised. He's going to need some rest days at home, Mrs Sterecra, so if you don't mind looking after him, that would be great."

"Alright, I'll call my work." Noah's mother answered. Meanwhile, the information had just been processed. Mrs Sterecra began to pack up her sons bag. Noah groaned out at the sight of this.

"Please, I need to... talk to Al..." Noah mumbled, his mind fuzzy. It was like somebody had shocked it with a wet charging cable. He could barely focus. "I need to apologise..."

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