Election Day

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for this chapter being so late, it was mostly because I had some personal business going on, as well as overthinking the whole plot of this chapter. I hope you understand, and enjoy! Also, long chapter.

When Noah thought about how this situation had escalated, there was only one word that came to mind. Torture.

It was the day of the election. After 3 weeks of competition, enemies to lovers, and confusing teenage drama, it was finally time for Noah to make his speech. This speech would was the depending factor or whether Noah got the most important role a student could get at this horrible school. To say the bookworm was confident would be an understatement. After all, he had spent days perfecting this speech, how could he not feel at least a little self-assured? Well, that's what Noah was thinking at first too.

"Mi amor, look at me, please." Alejandro whispered. He grabbed onto Noah's shoulders and pulled the bookworm close, nervous himself. "You are the most precious, talented boy I've met. I've seen your speech, and I must say, I was astonished. I trust you will do outstanding."

"What if I don't?" Noah's hands trembled as they slacked by his sides. In around five minutes, he would be making a speech in front of nearly three-hundred seniors. Three-hundred seniors, that if he fucked up, would laugh and mock him, and even worse, he would never have a single chance in this election.

Alejandro pulled Noah close, kissing his forehead. The two were nearly alone backstage, accompanied by nobody but Mrs. Barber, who was leaning on the wall beside them with a frown on her face. Besides her, they could talk alone. Noah breathed quickly into Alejandro's shaking chest. The two boys were both scared, but Alejandro was obviously less eager to show this. Instead, he comforted his boyfriend.

"Noah. Stop worrying." Alejandro suddenly leaned down to look into the bookworms large, brown eyes, having a firm grip on his shoulders as his large nose bumped against Noah's. "Your going to be great. This will take a couple minutes, but once your done, it will be all over, okay? You'll feel better than ever after you finish."

"Alright. I have to go get ready. Thank you." Noah looked away from Alejandro, his head bowing. He was avoiding eye contact with the boy he loved so much, just because he was nervous.

Before Noah could pull away, Alejandro pulled the boy in. His warm, toned lips bit and brushed against Noah's as they kissed once more. Noah pulled away and smiled, running a hand down Alejandro's cheek.

"I'll be cheering you on from the side. Now go get ready mi amor." Alejandro smiled at Noah, who reciprocated this. They stared into each other's eyes for just a second, before parting.

It was finally time.

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Noah could feel his upper chest burning with nerves as he scanned over the crowd. For supposedly three-hundred people, this seemed very large. Although Noah knew deep down that this was a reasonable size for hundreds of jocky, no brain seniors. But his mind twisted with his senses, causing him to get even more and more nervous.

The crowd roared and chattered, not even paying attention to Noah's nervous figure as he prepared for his speech. People all around in the crowd whispered to each other, passed greetings around and laughed. It was almost as it they forgot why they were here.

Focus, Noah. They don't really care about your speech. They want this over and done with, and so do you.

As the teachers yelled out to silence the crowd, the chatter amongst the senior students began to die down. Noah himself was in his second last year of high school. The seniors who once had a chance at being class president themselves were none other than the judges this time, much to Noah's dismay. But without hesitation, he began his speech, making sure to slow down and read. Noah knew he had a tendency to speak fast when he was nervous, so he made sure to pace himself.

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