Defleshing Secrets

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Alejandro had no clue what to do. He walked in silence with Noah a few meters away, looking down at the floor as his parents stole confused glances at him. They were disappointed. Not nessacarily because he was into men, but because he had lied to them, not to mention getting drunk and having sex behind their back. He was in big trouble, that was for sure.

Alejandro could hear the light conversing of his parents consulting Mr. Sterecra, who seemed to know nothing about this either. Obviously, Noah hadn't been too vocal about his relationship. So, seeing the worried look on the adults face and the evil smirk crossing José face was nearly too much to bear. The group walked through the school hallways with nothing but whispering amongst each other until they reached the entrance.

The light of the mid-autumn sun shown down onto the pathway, lighting up the surroundings with a busy, city like feel. The atmosphere did not match the conversation that was about to be had one bit. Alejandro looked over to Noah.

"Well this didn't go too well." Alejandro scoffed, crossing his arms. Noah sighed and looked away, thinking for a few seconds. The sun decorated Noah's face very well, shimmering down onto his face. He looked quite pretty, Alejandro noticed, despite the overwhelming shame he was beginning to feel.

"Really a shame, isn't it?" José approached the two stand-off's with a snicker. As the adults started to discuss the events of today, they hadn't even thought to look around to the kids. "I mean, what a shame they had to find out this way, am I right?"

Alejandro didn't like that.

"Who do you think you are?!" The spanish teen yelled at his older brother. "You live to make me miserable! Why does everything you do relate back to making me look worse?!"

The three adults whipped around to the teens beside them, Mrs. Burromuerto and her husband frozen in shock at Alejandro's sudden outburst. Noah raised his eyebrows, watching José tilt his head at his angry younger brother.

"Everything I do, you have to make sure I feel pain from it!" Alejandro yelled. He stepped towards his brother out of pure rage and gripped at his collar, causing José's knees to cave in because of shock.

"Alejandro, back off your brother right now!" Alejandro's mother stepped forwards, dragging the two boys apart as Noah stood back with a surprised expression. "For goodness sake, José, you need to get off your brothers back!"

The two brothers gritted their teeth at each other as they got dragged apart, and Alejandro's father approached. The adults had now been talking for about 5 minutes, and it was not at all obvious on what they had been discussing. Obviously, they were shocked. But not much conversation could be made in public.

"Right, time to go home!" Mr. Burromuerto scowled at the two boys, clearly angry at their argument. "It has been... interesting meeting you, Noah and Mr. Sterecra. I hope we can perhaps reintroduce after this is solved."

Noah nodded, sighing out. Alejandro hadn't even gotten the chance to talk to him yet, after José had interrupted. All they could do was exchange a single glance. Alejandro could see the nervousness in Noah's eyes, and it pained him as he realised he could only pass him a nod. With that, he followed his angry parents with a single glance back. He was in deep trouble, and now he had no idea what his boyfriend was feeling.

"I'm sorry." Alejandro mouthed, before disappearing from sight.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

"Right, you sit down right now and tell us what the fuck you think your doing!" Alejandro's mother screamed. As soon as she shut the front door, all hell broke loose. Anger exploded from her eyes and Alejandro flopped down quickly onto the couch. "You explain everything right now! What has happened?! You are in big trouble young man!"

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