Parental Standards

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Alejandro sighed through the phone, rethinking the statement he just made. He could hear Noah's suprise in the bookworms tone. After all, Alejandro's parents were arguing downstairs quite loudly. He could even hear his mother's exact yelling, trying to get the message of Alejandros sexuality through the snobby man's head. It was quite a brutal conversation, really. Was it really the best time? He was definitely rethinking it.

"Ah, wait, I'm sorry... today's not the best time." Alejandro mumbled. He heard Noah sigh out, obviously disappointed. It was like even though the Burromuerto's were arguing, and it would clearly be even more damaging for him to come over, he wanted to be there.

Alejandro was scared. He wanted nothing more than to hold Noah right now, but over the phone, that was not possible. So all he could do was sit there in silence, alone in his thoughts. He could hear Noah breathing on the other line, until the bookworm spoke.

"Your parents have stopped fighting." Noah mumbled. Alejandro lowered the phone from his ears, and the bookworm was right. Mrs and Mr Burromuerto's talking had turned to silent murmurs, and that's when he started to eavesdrop.

"Yeah. I think they're done now." Alejandro sighed out, groaning as he rolled over to the middle of his bed.

"Are you sure I can't come over?" Noah asked. His voice was quiet, slightly nervous. After all, they both badly wanted to be comforting each other right now.

Alejandro sighed out, biting his smile down. "Alright, look. If you come over your probably going to be questioned. Are you sure your ready? I don't think my dads too happy."

"I don't mind." Noah scoffed over the phone. "I'll answer your parents questions if it means I can talk to you afterwards. I think we need to get this straight."

Alejandro nodded, and before long, they said their goodbyes. Now he had one more task to do. Alejandro opened the door to his room, before walking down into the dining room. His father scowled at him as he came down the stairs, leaning against the counter of the kitchen. Obviously, he wasn't very approving of this. Meanwhile, his mother was standing defeated to the side.

"Hey." Alejandro spoke. He knew it wasn't the best idea to have Noah come over right now. But this could also be beneficial. At the end of the day, If he got Noah to sit down and meet his parents, they might have a chance at approval. It was possible.

"Alejandro, you are supposed to be a role model to this family." Mr. Burromuerto muttered. "I do not have a problem with my son being into men, but you should feel serious shame for how you let our family name down. I am very disappointed."

"I'm sorry father." Alejandro bowed his head. He had done some things wrong, and he wanted to get past this quickly. "I wanted to ask if it would be helpful for me to invite Noah over. We could talk about this situation."

Mrs. Burromuerto placed a hand on her head, now pacing around the room. "Alejandro, really? Me and your father have just fought, José is up in his room ready to be told off, is this really the right time?"

"Look, mother. I'm just saying, having you two officially meet Noah could be nice." Alejandro mumbled. He was quite unsure of what could happen if Noah pulled up at his door. "He's a good person, but you met him at the wrong time."

"Right, he doesn't seem like a very good person to me." Alejandro's father scowled, leaning back. "I'll be honest, his first impression wasn't great. Your sure your with the right person, son?"

"Dad, I'm sure." Alejandro groaned. "Stop it. Please give him a chance."

"Alright. So, what's your plan?" Mr. Burromuerto asked. He seemed genuinely curious. "Invite him over, let him talk to us, and then what? Have sex with him?"

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