Two Truths and a Lie PT.1

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Noah sat down on the seat in front of him, breathing out slowly as he scanned his surroundings. After his make-out session with Alejandro being finished off in perfect timing by the call to administration, they had time to discuss a plan.

Alejandro and Noah had discussed they would arrive at different times in case of suspicion. After all, they were coming from the same place, that small corner in the library where their lips had met a few minutes back. Before heading off in separate directions, however, they had talked over exactly what they were about to do.

They had discussed in detail the following events. Noah would try his best not to react to Courtney and Alejandro, while the spanish teen would subtly try to hit to the a-lister that he wasn't interested in any more than fake affection. Noah had been left to come up with his defence on the spot, being told to act completely unbothered by any flirting the two did. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Noah pulled out a book as he waited for Alejandro. Courtney and Harold were already seated in the waiting area, with none other than Mrs. Barber monitoring them with great suspicion. Nobody in this room knew why they were here, except for one suspiciously smirking face in the corner. Harold. Something was up with him, Noah could feel it. But for now, he let his attention drifted down to the book he was currently reading. He felt the entrance of Alejandro behind him, and didn't even bother to look up.

Act, Noah. You don't care that Courtney and Alejandro are about to flirt, and you definitely won't. It's just an act. Focus on your book.

Alejandro sat down right next to Courtney, watching Noah carefully as the bookworm avoided eye contact. He wanted to seem as careless as possible about the way Courtney smirked at his boyfriend, and so far, it was working.

"Right, now that Alejandro has arrived." Mrs. Barber lowered her reading glasses in concern, watching over all three of them. She seemed to observe some sort of closeness between Alejandro and Courtney, looking the two up and down with slight annoyance.

"I have recieved a report today following the events of sabotage between all four of you." Mrs. Barber seemed very concerned. "Let me say this, I am very disappointed at what has been reported. How are us teachers meant to pick a student for this election if none of you are suitable?!" She asked, a strain in her voice. All four of them looked around with confusion, knowing damn well they had all been caught in one way or another. The room remained silent as Mrs. Barber shook her head.

"Right, first of all. Courtney, how dare you make an alliance with Harold to sabotage Noah? The poor kid has ran to me about this because of the stress you are putting on him!" Mrs. Barber exclaimed this as Courtney turned around slowly in shock to Harold.

"You did what?!" Courtney yelled, standing up and storming over to the nerd who was beginning to crawl up in a ball. "Your meant to be helping me! And you just go and snitch?!"

"Courtney, sit down right now!" Mrs. Barber raised her voice. Courtney shot a fist at Harold as Alejandro grabbed her waist to sit her down next to him. Noah had closed his book in suprise by now, watching the drama unfold closely. "Harold tells me you have been directly pressuring him to leak things about Noah! Is this true?!"

Courtney looked so accused and shocked, her face fading from anger to pure suprise. Noah raised an eyebrow, scanning the energy of the room. Sure, he knew this bitch was up to something, but did he know it was this bad? Not one bit.

"Why would I do that? I'm completely innocent!" Courtney yelled, her nasally tone projecting through the room. Mrs. Barber almost laughed at this, pulling out a remote and projecting onto the door to her office. Noah looked up to the hidden projector above the door, not even realising that was there. The projector shone light from a video down onto the window of Mrs. Barber's office, all four students leaning in to see this.

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