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AUTHORS NOTE: I'd just like to let everyone know that Noah's concussion is extremely minimal. He's completely fine! I just wanted to point that out in case anybody runs to my comments about how unrealistic it is, because it I'm being honest I have no clue how a concussion works either ahaha

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Three whole days passed, and Alejandro hadn't heard a single thing from Noah. At this point, life at school had become a bundled mess of rumours.

Alejandro sat down on his bed with a sigh, pulling out his phone. He had to leave for school soon, but the spanish boy had found himself a few spare minutes. His mind constantly raced back to the bookworm. He was scared.

As Alejandro began to think, his mind ran over the events in detail over and over. Him and Noah still weren't technically okay. Sure, Alejandro had forgiven his sort-of boyfriend, straight after finding out the evidence was fake. They were so close to making up too. It had all happened so fast. The rush of emotions was overwhelming just to remember.

Noah is calling...

Alejandro gasped out as his phone began to vibrate in his palm. Without hesitation, he quickly tapped the accept button and placed the phone over his ear, his jaw shaking with nerves.

"Al?" Noah spoke through the phone. He sounded okay. Alejandro breathed out in relief as he heard this, and quickly responded.

"Hey... are you okay?" Alejandro asked. He wanted so badly to get revenge on Duncan. That punk had ruined things even further from Courtney. Everything was messed up now. But at this moment, all he wanted was to see if Noah was alright.

"Yeah dorkface, I'm okay." Noah scoffed, chuckling at Alejandro's nervousness. "I just had to rest, Duncan got me pretty bad. I'll be at school today though, alright?"

"Okay, good." Alejandro smiled to himself softly, sitting up from his slump position. "...Look, I'm sorry for everything. I know we didn't get to talk because of what Duncan did, and I'm so sorry for not believing you-"

Alejandro felt himself beginning to spill everything. His heart had been throbbing, and it had just been getting even worse every second he questioned Noah's state of mind alone at school. Just as he began this, Noah stopped him.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Noah smiled to himself as he reassured Alejandro in a comforting tone, his voice ringing through the phone. "You did nothing wrong, neither of us did. It was all bitchface. What happened with her?"

"Oh, she got expelled, don't worry." Alejandro laughed, remembering the sight of Courtney storming down the hallways, tears in her eyes. After her massive outburst and sabotage, her defeat was very public. It was entertaining for lots of people.

"Alejandro, ¡Cuelga el teléfono niño, es hora de irse!" Mrs. Burromuerto suddenly called from downstairs. She didn't seem to notice he was talking to Noah, and quickly stormed up the steps.

(TRANSLATION: Get off your phone child, it's time to leave!)

"Shit, I gotta go. See you at school, mi- Noah." Alejandro caught himself as he started speaking a pet name. After all, he wasn't sure if they were alright as a couple still. "We're okay, right?"

"Yeah, of course. See you at school mi amor." Alejandro heard Noah say softly, before hearing the end-of-call beep. With that, he greeted his mother who was waiting at the door with a smile.

"I'm hoping that was Noah." She walked over, chuckling at her own joke as she spoke in a thick accent. "Now get in the car, we are late!"

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