Underage Drinking Hazards

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AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter will have implied sex and lime (making out, stripping, etc), plus underage drinking. Also, any words I describe in a perspective sort of view to make it seem like excessive drinking is good in any way, is influenced by perspective and is not at all advice to follow, so don't take inspiration from this please. Enjoy!

Noah had decided to take his car to the party. Izzy and Eva were begging for a ride, and Noah was the only one being licenced enough to drive alone. As he drove, he remembered the events before this. Asking his parents to go to the party was a very strange experience. Not because he wouldn't be allowed, but mostly because they were shocked he'd voluntarily go to an event like this. But apart from that, it was easy to convince them.

He knew that Alejandro would be there, and that was what made it even worse. He was worried what he would try to do if he got too drunk, so Noah's goal was to stay as far away from alcohol as possible. Then he just had to hope Alejandro didn't get his hands on any cocktails either, which was highly unlikely.

When he arrived at the party with Eva and Izzy, the two instantly hopped out of the car, Noah following behind them.

"Oh my god, I am so excited!" Izzy gasped, looking back at her friends. "We really shouldn't be here if I'm honest, we weren't even invited! But who cares?!" She began to get hyped up as Eva and Noah laughed at her.

"Calm down. Let's get inside first and look for Emma." Eva spoke, a smile on her usually frowning face. They all looked up to the house. It was huge, multiple stories and almost perfect for a frat boy party. They opened the door and stepped inside, the building already full with people. Purple light shone down from the ceiling as overwhelmingly mainstream music flooded from the speakers in the corners of the room. It was very busy.

Noah took a deep breath, taking it all in. Having never been to a party before, it was very strange for him, and he didn't like it one bit.

"Alright!" Izzy grinned at Noah. "Noah, can you go look for Emma? I want to get drunk. I'm not here for her, I'm here for the alcohol." Noah sighed and nodded.

"Sure, that's fine." Noah scoffed, walking off as Izzy grabbed Eva's hand and pulled her towards the drink table. He looked around for a few minutes, having to block his ears from time to time from the loud noises and people rushing past him. Most of the students here he recognized from campus, and there were a lot of them. As he walked, his eyes caught on a large group of jerk boys at the drink table taking shots. And right in the center was none other than Alejandro. Noah leaned against a wall, watching his rival gulp down a shot as everyone cheered. They made eye contact for just a moment, before Noah turned around to familiar voice.

"Noah! Where are the others?" Emma tilted her head sideways, looking around. Although she liked Noah, she would of much rathered being around the others to avoid anything awkward between her and her ex boyfriend.

"They went off to get drunk." Noah chuckled, looking back at Alejandro. He was dressed very well, with a tight dark red shirt and worn jeans that complimented him perfectly. Noah started to admire him, before shaking out of it.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go talk to him." Emma blushed at the cute boy who was waving to her in the middle of the dancefloor, and waved goodbye to Noah. She had a point, Noah thought he was very cute. But he was distracted by someone else. Sighing, he went up to a less crowded bit of the bar and sat down, ordering a drink.

"Hey, can I just get one of those mango cocktails?" Noah asked the bartender. After a few impressive moments of him shaking up the drink, he passed it over to the bookworm, who took a sip. Holy fuck, it was good. He chugged it quickly, completely forgetting about his desire earlier that night to avoid drinking as much as possible. He didn't want to be drunk and do something stupid.

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