Like An Eel Dipped In Grease

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Noah sat down in his classroom, sighing and pulling out his textbook. Luckily, Alejandro wasn't in this class, but it was an incredibly boring one. The teacher walked in, marching up to the front and speaking.

"Good afternoon students." Mr. Soatoobe had a thick French accent, his origins clear. He was their languages teacher for the year, and a very annoying one. He was one of the teachers who didn't respect the fact not everyone knew their home language, and was very impatient about how quick they were to learn the vocabulary he taught.

"For today's session, we will be researching the French Revolution on our laptops. So everyone, please pull out your devices, and we will be having independent study time." Mr. Soatoobe's face was very serious, scanning over the class with his eyes. "If I see any of you on other functions apart from research, you will be sent to the principals office immediately."

Noah pulled out his laptop from his stack of items, and opened it. He was at the back of the class, and he knew this teacher well enough already to know he would not get up from his desk at the front, and wouldn't even bother to check they were on task. So, he opened a Word document and started designing posters for his campaign. He worked on his poster while switching tabs to gather some form of information everyone once in a while. After all, he didn't want to make it obvious that he had done nothing.

By the time class had ended, he was done his posters, and quickly presented his findings to the teacher before heading out of the room. Mr. Soatoobe had held him back for awhile, complaining about his lack of findings, so as he left, he was quite annoyed.

The bell rang for the next period, and he headed to his locker once more. Luckily, Alejandro wasn't in his next class either. But when he closed his locker door, he saw no other than the spanish teen leaning against the one next to his, a smug grin on his face.

"Hey Noah, how are ya?" Alejandro chuckled, a gleam in his eye as he stared down his rival. There was something fishy going on about him, and Noah knew it straight away.

"Don't have time to talk, sorry dickhead." Noah rolled his eyes, trying to look past him and end the conversation, but Alejandro put out an arm to stop him. his hand found its way to Noah's side, pressing gently as he pulled the bookworm back to the conversation. Somehow, this caught Noah's attention for just a second, but he shook it off as he realised what he was feeling.

"No no, don't worry, I'm not trying to be nice." Alejandro sneered a bit, looking proud. "I just wanted to remind you how little of a chance you have now, y'know? Especially because of what I just told everyone." Alejandro's hand remained on Noah's side, his fingertips ever so slightly pulling away from the grasp as his arm came back to his side.

Noah's focus left Alejandro's grip as he heard that last line, and his eyes squinted.

"What do you mean by that? What did you tell people?" Noah filled with rage once more, seeing the smug grin on his rivals face. 

"Oh, you know, just let everyone know how you decided to treat me in the admin building the other day." Alejandro's eyes gleamed as he chuckled, and Noah stepped back. Everything about this man made him feel uneasy, from the way he flirted with everyone, to his strange, slippery way of talking people. He was like an eel.

"You asshole. What did you say to them?" Noah gritted his teeth, stepping back. "You know damn well you started it, so either you made something up or you twisted that story really badly, and somehow made it believable."

"I didn't twist or make up anything! All I said was how you called me multiple insults, and y'know, let's not forget the threats you made to me earlier on in class today, hm?" Alejandro leaned forwards, his suspicious gaze turning into a glare, as he stepped closer, towering over Noah. 

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