Teenage Dirtbags

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AUTHORS NOTE: Lime and implied sex warning coming up for the second part of the chapter. As usual, not going into detail, but just in case I decided to let you guys know :)) I'm sorry this took so long to come out, but I hope you enjoy!

The sunny midday light shone down onto the outdoor bleachers as Noah, Alejandro and Emma all relaxed onto them. Sure, it would of been more ideal to sit in the school, eating lunch and casually making small talk. But with Emma's ongoing nagging from James and his friends, Noah's need to avoid contact with Izzy and Eva, and Alejandro's unsure thoughts about his friends, they had to keep their distance. So here they were; sitting in the most distant part of the field away from school.

It was very awkward.

"Are you guys okay from, yknow, all that's happening?" Alejandro piped up, before taking a small bite of his salad.

"Yeah... I'm sure we'll be fine." Emma answered, sighing out. "I'm just not sure how I'm meant to go about now that James and that group are harassing me. I wish I could talk to him about it."

There were a few moments of silence as Alejandro nodded, considering this statement. Thankfully, nobody was bothering them right now. Although getting a few glares here and there, the so-called talks of the school weren't bothered. Hopefully the truth had spread by now.

"I didn't even know you two were dating in the first place." Noah scoffed in a friendly way, causing an awkwardly miserable smirk to come from Emma.

"I didn't want to tell you guys at that time. You know how crazy Izzy gets with everything... It's exhausting sometimes." Emma spoke, thinking. It took a few moments for a response.

"Chances are we won't have to deal with that anymore." Noah gazed out into the field, seeing a few guys tossing a ball around. He seemed to be zoning out, watching them run around. "I don't know how to feel about Izzy right now. Something tells me that Eva isn't all too supportive about it, either. She's being a pussy if I'm right."

"Eva is that muscular one, am I correct?" Alejandro joined in, following Noah's gaze. He looked very deadpan. Almost frustrated, and to be honest, the spaniard couldn't blame him. "Yes, she seemed very standoffish."

"Yeah, that's her..." Emma sighed out once more. "You guys are right, she didn't seem to in on it. Are you sure we shouldn't go back and ask?"

"No. Let's leave that to her. If she wants to be with us that bad, she needs to stop being a wimp and say so." Noah rolled his eyes. He was getting angrier by the second. His first encounters with the two after talking with Emma had come as a shock to him, judging by their sudden seriousness. Izzy in particular. Only now had he just begin to process it, and realise what had happened.

"Fucking dicks, I swear to god." Noah continued as he muttered under his breath. "They had no right to treat us like that, especially you. I don't care what Eva has to say anymore, she can go fuck herself too!" He wasn't even thinking about what he was saying, letting his emotions spill out. But just as he began to rant on more, he felt a soft hand on his sweater.

"Noah, calm down. Please? We need to give Eva a chance. Let's just not focus on them for now." Emma murmured, looking at Noah's frowning face with concern. Alejandro sat back with a worried look on his face. He had a lot to be worried about as well. The other two began to talk as he pulled out his phone.

Geoff, 12:14PM:
Dude I've been talking to people and they all believe u I showed them the photo faults

Geoff, 12:15PM:
Are you okay though bro lmk

Alejandro sighed, thinking of a reply. He liked Geoff, and he was mostly just relieved.

Alejandro, 12:17PM:
Yup all good just hanging out with Noah, I'll be back soon okay? The girl he was edited with is having a bit of a hard time rn

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