The Burromuerto Family

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AUTHORS NOTE: Some fluff for you guys at the start since you lovelies deserve it :) Also we are officially passed the amount of chapters that my first fanfiction has and the plot isn't even finished so yay!

Noah sighed out, rolling onto his side as Alejandro stood up. It was around mid afternoon now, the afternoon having dragged on. Sure, they had left school early around 2 hours ago, but for the time it took Alejandro's parents to stop arguing and invite Noah over for a conversation, time had already faded to not past 4pm as Alejandro unravelled himself from Noah.

Alejandro stood up and stretched, his back muscles rippling through his shirt as he walked around. The spanish teen began to pace around his room. Meanwhile, Noah let his head rest on the pillow, admiring his boyfriend from a comfortable position.

"What are you doing?" Noah asked, glancing over at Alejandro. They had just been kissing a few moments back, happy that Alejandro's mother was at least slightly accepting of their relationship. Both the boys had noticed Mr. Burromuertos distant reaction, but Alejandro was sure he would warm up to the bookworm eventually.

"I'm a bit worried." Alejandro spoke, looking back at the lying down Noah. "I mean, we are probably out of the election. Not to mention we've made Courtney mad. Mrs. Barber has given us multiple detentions, you get what I mean?"

Noah nodded, shrugging as he sat up. Alejandro had a point. They were in a situation where a lot of big and little problems had mixed to create a horrible mess of high-school drama. Emphasising the mix on Courtney being mad. Sure, really, it was just a mad, heartbroken teenage girl when you thought about it. But we're talking Courtney.

"Your right." Noah mumbled. He didn't know how to comfort people, and his boyfriend wasn't an exception either. So for a few seconds, he hesitated. "We have a target on our backs, Courtney will be on to us tommorow. Especially me."

Alejandro nodded, sighing out. "Well, I don't blame her. She was convinced me and her were something, and she wouldn't of even guessed that our rivarly was fake." With that, he placed his hands on his hips in concentration, tapping his foot quickly on the ground. He seemed to be thinking pretty hard.

"Yeah." Noah nodded, watching his boyfriend. He still lay on the bed, fiddling with the cold, satin sheets below him. Meanwhile, Alejandro was now sighing out and reaching for the seams of his shirt. Noah nearly gasped in suprise as Alejandro slipped off his tight red button-up, revealing his rock hard abs.

"These clothes are getting tight." Alejandro sighed out, reaching for a hung up baggy shirt on a clothing rack nearby and slipping it on. He quickly slipped off his jeans, replacing them with some cotton sleeping shorts and tying his hair into a low bun. With that, he sat down on the bed next to the smiling Noah.

"Let's finish what we started before beautiful." Alejandro smiled, letting Noah lean onto his chest. The bookworm rested his head in the spanish boy's fresh shirt. It was very comfortable, and without thinking, he pulled up the blanket on top of them. Now they were engulfed in the bed as Alejandro wrapped his strong arms around Noah's waist.

"Stop worrying." Noah murmured, running a single finger down Alejandro's stomach muscles, tracing the lines. "We can worry about that tomorrow mi amor."

"Mi amor?" Alejandro scoffed, pulling Noah closer. He kissed the bookworms forehead, feeling the warmth of the covers engulf their heated bodies. "That's my name for you, dear Noah."

Noah just chuckled, scuffling closer. The bookworms grip on Alejandro's stomach was warm and pulsing with body heat from Noah. Alejandro knew his introverted boyfriend was definitely not the type to give physical affection, sober at least, so he took advantage of it. Alejandro leaned forwards to place a kiss on Noah's forehead.

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