The Rivarly We Didn't Expect

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone! As you can probably tell by the title, this is going to be the last chapter of this fanfiction. So like last time, on Tuned To His Heart, I would like to make a little whole, probably unnessacary goodbye speech in text form.

First of all, I just want to thank you all so fucking much for all the supports. Although I'm not the most well known creator (as far as I'm aware) all my supporters have grown so much since this fanfiction became public. The Rivarly We Didn't Expect has become #1 in alenoah fanfictions, as well as being very high up in all the others tags. I never expected either of my fanfictions to get so popular, and I cannot express enough how grateful I am. You all are so, so amazing and mean so much to me! I really think I've created such a cool mini-community and made so many cool friends on this app, and I'm so thankful for that.

I would like to ask all of you guys for your opinion on the next fanfiction. Although I already have a few ideas stirring in my brain right now, I think it would help to know which one you would prefer. Would you guys rather another alenoah fanfiction, a trustin fanfiction, or a sequel to TTHH? Let me know!

I'm really sad I have to wrap this up a few chapters earlier than expected, but with an obvious loss of motivation I'm sure you've all noticed, I've decided making a new project is for the best.

Once again, thank you all so, so fucking much for everything. I'm so glad I decided to start writing, because no matter how cheesy this is, I think I've enjoyed meeting all you much more than the actual writing. So without much furtherado, enjoy the final chapter of The Rivarly We Didn't Expect.

-Lyndsay Alice (Yes I used my full first name because I wanted to sound fancy)

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Noah sighed out, cuddling into Alejandro's warm body as the blanket of his bed covered him. He was very relaxed, but he could feel his body weighing down on him as his exhaustion grew. It was only around four in the afternoon, and after what he just did, all his limbs were aching.

Noah reached for his phone on his bedside table and began to scroll. After all, the conversation had died. It wasn't nessacarily awkward, but in this moment, there wasn't much need to say anything. The bookworm knew he couldn't fall asleep yet though, so he had to distract himself.

1 new message: Eva

Noah raised his eyebrows, his mind instantly beginning to rush. Eva had texted him, and he knew damn well it was going to be something important. Just as he clicked onto the notification, Alejandro peaked over Noah's shoulder with a mumble.

"What's happening mi amor..?" Alejandro mustered in a tired, low voice. He sat up from the bed and placed his hand around Noah's bare waist. He began to read the message with Noah, trying to comprehend what was being said.

Eva, 4:36PM:
Hey Noah,

I just want to start by saying how sorry I am. I know Izzy and I have done so much wrong over the past couple days I don't know where to begin in saying how bad I feel.

It was completely wrong of us to kick Emma out of the group like that without even talking to you, as well as not even being considerate of the photo being fake. It makes no sense anyway, and I've just realised that.

I talked to Izzy about it, and we just had a massive fight, but I think I got it through her head. I'm really sorry and I don't want to lose you, so I hope you can forgive me.

The Rivalry We Didn't ExpectWhere stories live. Discover now