Hangovers and Gay Panic

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It took a few seconds for Noah to open his eyes. The first thing he felt when he woke up was this overwhelming head throb. His mouth tasted horrible, his lips were parched. He was a mess.

Noah sat up, groaning. Everything around his body ached as he tried to remember the events of last night. Flashbacks appeared from sitting at the bar, his memory slowly getting less efficient every shot he took. And taking shots was the last thing he remembered. His attention drifted around the room, taking in the sight. He had already recognized he was naked, and this was not his room. He took a deep breath, and looked to his side. His eyes widened in horror.

"No no no no no..." Noah shuffled away from Alejandro's sleeping, naked body, full of shock. Exactly what he had dreaded the night before had now happened to him, waking up naked in his rivals bed. He hadn't even planned on getting drunk, but he could only blame himself. He felt flushed and confused, not even realising how intoxicated he had gotten. All he could do was sit there in fear, waiting for Alejandro to awaken. He didn't want to touch the boy next to him, or speak to him, or anything. He was mortified.

Noah focused hard on the events of last night, trying to remember what the alcohol had caused him to forget. He was scared that getting that drunk had caused him to make the first move. Both options were terrifying, but the idea of hitting on Alejandro without knowing he was doing it was even worse.

Without getting out of the covers, he bent down to reach for his clothes. They were rank of sweat and alcohol, and he knew he couldn't go to school wearing those. This just made him even more scared. Just then, he felt Alejandro roll over beside him. Shit. He quickly pulled the blanket up over his body as Alejandro slowly opened his eyes, obviously having a hangover as well. Noah nearly went as far as hiding under the covers, but all he could do was sit there frozen in shock. 

"...Noah?" Alejandro squinted his eyes, his head throbbing immensely. It took him a few seconds to realise who was in the bed next to him, and his jaw dropped as he sat up. "Holy fuck." His shock turned to stress as he turned away, also going silent in shock. Noah didn't know how to respond.

"...How drunk was I?" Noah asked, turning to his rival with horror. He didn't remember a single thing, and his mortified expression showed that.

"Really, really drunk." Alejandro muttered. His eyes scanned down Noah's body, and his eyes caught on multiple bruises on his neck. Fuck.

Obviously Alejandro had already realised they had sex last night, but it was only just hitting him now. He shuffled away, the blanket sliding down his ripped stomach. He caught Noah quickly glancing down at his abs, which made him slightly flustered.

"What happened?" Noah muttered, diverting his gaze back to the room and trying to ignore the sight in front of him. He bit his lip in frustration, angry at himself.

"I barely remember it." Alejandro whispered, looking away. "I was pretty drunk, and I remember you coming up to me. You we're fucked up. That's all I remember." He scratched the back of his head. Noah, however, made a horrified facial expression even worse than before.

"No no no no no..." Noah looked distressed, panicking. "Surely I didn't. I wouldn't have talked to you."

Alejandro gritted his teeth, rolling his eyes. "You did dumbass. Have some self control."

Noah scoffed at this and slid upwards before realising the blanket was slipping off. He quickly grabbed it back up, trying to hide his lower body. Damnit.

"This doesn't change anything. I still hate you." Noah growled under his breath, becoming flustered as he saw Alejandro looking down at the area that was exposed for just a second. "I'm gonna need to borrow some clothes though."

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