Library Writing Sessions

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The next day, Noah found himself sitting in the library. It was the first lunch break of the day, but he knew he needed to get his application letter for school president finished. Even though he had been ever so slightly distracted by Alejandro lately, winning this was still his main priority.  He still didn't want to lose against the guy.

He thought carefully, the solitude of the library helping him focus. It was dead silent, nobody there except for the librarian at the desk, and a few calm students scanning the bookshelves. It was relaxing.

There are many reasons why I believe I'd be a good candidate for school president. As a student, I have made many academic achievements across my years at Maplebrook High, as well as generally scoring extremely high in all my assignments and exams. 

Noah neatly scribbled this down on his paper. As much as he hated it, he had been emailed to be told they would only accept the application hand-written, due to some stupid rule about AI-generated pieces and such. He thought it was stupid, but he did it anyway. He started to think about what else to write, but as he looked across to a certain bookshelf, his eyes caught on a book he had been looking for for ages. He gasped quietly, and tucked his paper under his laptop, before standing up to go look closer.

He carefully slid the book out of its neatly packed spot, and began to read the blurb with excitement. It was the sequel to one of his favourite books, and he had been searching for it for weeks. He never even expected to see it as his school library. He placed it on his table, and without thinking or remembering what he was doing at the library in the first place, began to search through the shelves again. He hummed quietly, enjoying the alone time. He was, until a very familiar chuckle sounded from behind him. He whipped his body around to face Alejandro, who looked up at him with a smirk.

"Oh, good morning Noah!" He smiled that fake, eel-like smile that angered Noah as he spoke. He was holding Noah's application letter, scanning over it and chuckling at any part he found amusing. Noah glared at the spanish teen, marching over and trying to snatch the paper from his hands, and being easily dodged.

"Alejandro, for gods sake. Put it back." Noah gritted his teeth, walking over to Alejandro and reaching up, trying to get it back. Alejandro held it above his head, being much taller than the bookworm, and read it out loud.

"I am amazing at cooperating with other students, and I like to think of myself as a team player." He mocked, making an impression of Noah and laughing. "Really? That's not something I would agree with."

Alejandro stepped back as Noah stepped forwards, following him. 

"Do you always have to be a bitch?" Noah hissed, walking towards Alejandro's moving figure. Alejandro was half focusing on keeping it out of Noah's grasp, but his mind was somewhere else. He had been thinking to himself before that if he wanted to conceal his feelings for the boy, he had to keep acting like his usual self. And that included being horrible to his secret crush.

Alejandro looked behind him, and realised he had led Noah all the way to a secluded spot of the library, surrounded by bookshelves and covered up. In the middle, there was a large chair, and without thinking, he stepped up onto it to reach full height.

"You really should be more careful with your important files, Noah." He teased. At that point, Noah had seen enough of him. The bookworm suddenly charged forwards, grabbing Alejandro's waist at an attempt to knock him over. However, that went horribly for both of them.

Alejandro stumbled over, his legs caving in as he felt the sudden wrap around his torso as Noah pushed him forwards, and he fell straight down onto the chair, hitting it with a thud. He let out a cry and Noah fell on top of him, and he felt his head bang against his rivals. The fell hurt him a lot, so it took him just a few moments to register what position he was in. In the clatter of noise, neither of them even heard the door to the library opening to a new person.

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