Noah's Idea

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After 2 classes, it was time to act on Noah's idea.

Alejandro took a deep breath in, his mind unclear. Noah was right, he didn't like this idea one bit. He knew it had a chance of working, though. If he could deter Courtney from spreading rumours about the bookworm, then he could delay the sabotage they had planned altogether. But the method in which he had to do so was concerning.

Courtney looked up as she saw Alejandro approaching, her face lighting up as she stepped over to him. Alejandro was quite nervous. After all, even though he had Noah's permission to deter her in this way, it would still be betraying him to a certain level. It was all part of the plan, though.

"Alejandro!" Courtney blushed a little, looking up at him. "What do you need?" Her voice had a nasally tone to it that was almost irritating, but Alejandro was focused and didn't even pay attention to this.

"Hey Courtney!" Alejandro spoke with a fake excitement that was very convincing. "Got a second? I need to talk to you about... the plan we made."

With this, he lead Courtney to the side of the hallway, looking into her eyes. He needed to convince her to stop these rumours, and if he had to resort to flirting, then he would.

"I was thinking about the rumours." Alejandro spoke to her with his normal, slippery tone. He was making this up on the spot. "Maybe we should resort to something more personal? Spreading those truths might be too obvious to the administration, no matter how effective they could prove to be, don't you think?"

"Oh really?" Court asked with curiousity. "What do you have in mind then?"

Alejandro thought for a second. In reality, he definitely should have thought this through beforehand, and it he didn't come up with something quickly, he'd look ridiculous. Then, the perfect idea hit him.

"Well, as much as I hate to say this, he's made it quite obvious he has a thing for me." Alejandro snickered, his mind wandering. "I think making him jealous would easily throw him off his game."

Courtney's eyes lit up as she leaned forwards in interest. "Oh? Well... how are you planning to make him jealous?" She asked with a smirk, almost as if she was hinting at exactly where she thought this conversation was going.

"What I'm saying is we can make him jealous." Alejandro leaned forwards, faking a genuine tone. This plan was risky, but as long as Noah was aware of what he was doing, he'd be fine. "Together."

Courtney blushed at this, nodding. "I'd like that." Obviously she was thinking Alejandro was being genuine, leaning forwards. Alejandro chuckled nervously, a bit uncomfortable but playing along with it. If Courtney was thinking he was crushing on her and not just teaming up with the a-lister, then this could be a problem.

"Great! Next time we get the chance, you know what to do." Alejandro smirked. With that, he walked away with a wink towards the girl, pacing away quickly. He had to find Noah and tell him about this. Earlier that day, they were planning for Alejandro to casually flirt with her, and no matter how efficient this would be, he had to let his boyfriend know how serious it could get. Walking for a few minutes, he found himself in a seating area with a clear view of Noah at a table with his friends, and he observed them for a second.

Alejandro was aware that Noah had kept their relationship secret. So dragging him from his friend group would be risky, but it had to be done before Noah found him flirting with Courtney. So without hesitation, he quickly paced towards Noah's table, unsure of how to act. 3 girls looked up to his approaching figure, whispering to each other with shock and a cheeky expression.

Alejandro scanned over their features. One of them he recognized, Emma. The girl that had seen them in that awkward position in the library. There was a crazy, overenergetic redhead sitting there with a massive grin on her face, wearing a slick green bandage style top, and long flared jeans. The other girl was very buff and muscular, having a unibrow, a permafrown glued to her face, and she was dressed in gym clothes. Overall, a very strange looking group.

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