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The stillness of the night was shattered by an unmistakable symphony – Caleb's snoring

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The stillness of the night was shattered by an unmistakable symphony – Caleb's snoring. I shifted in bed, pulling the pillow over my head in a futile attempt to muffle the sound. It persisted, a rhythmic drone that echoed in the room and reverberated in my ears. Sleep, elusive as ever, slipped through my grasp.

After tossing and turning for what felt like an eternity, I begrudgingly surrendered to the wakefulness that enveloped me. A glance at the clock revealed the ungodly hour of 2 in the morning. The darkness outside mirrored the quiet turmoil within.

With a resigned sigh, I slid out of bed, careful not to disturb Caleb's slumber. The cold floor met my feet as I tiptoed to the balcony. The door creaked softly as I eased it open, revealing the night sky stretched out before me.

A cool breeze greeted me, carrying with it the scent of the night – a blend of crisp air and the distant fragrance of nature. The stars glittered above, scattered like scattered diamonds across the vast expanse. It was a breathtaking sight, a silent symphony of celestial beauty.

Leaning against the balcony railing, I let the quiet of the night envelop me, drowning out Caleb's snoring that now seemed like a distant echo. The cosmic dance above was a stark contrast to the mundane disturbances of the sleeping world behind me.

As I gazed upward, the weight of the night lifted, replaced by a tranquil calm. The stars, distant yet comforting, whispered tales of galaxies and dreams. A profound sense of solitude settled within me, a solitude that felt less lonely beneath the canopy of the universe.

The night embraced me, and I, in turn, embraced its serenity. The balcony became a refuge, a haven where the stillness of the cosmos overshadowed the disruptions of the earthly realm. With each passing moment, the stars painted stories in the canvas of the night, and in the quietude, I found solace, a respite from the dissonance that lingered within the walls of our shared space.

The memory of stargazing with my best friend lingered in the corners of my mind, a bittersweet reminder of shared moments beneath the night sky. The thought nudged me, urging me to reach out to her. With a flicker of nostalgia, I grabbed my phone, hoping for a digital connection that could bridge the physical distance between us.

After a moment of anticipation, I realized that the awaited message from her hadn't arrived. Undeterred, I decided to take the initiative. My fingers danced across the screen, crafting a message that detailed the whirlwind of experiences that had defined my journey so far.

"Hey girl! Just wanted to fill you in on everything happening at Westwood. The people here are amazing, and the school is beyond beautiful. Can you believe I ended up rooming with a guy? It's a bit wild, but somehow it's working out. I'm the only girl in the whole building, can you imagine? The stars at night, though, they're just like the ones back home. I miss our stargazing sessions. Wish you were here to share it all. ❤️"

With a deep breath, I hit send, the message winging its way through the digital cosmos. The glow of the screen dimmed, leaving me in the soft illumination of the room. The seconds ticked by, each one echoing the silence of anticipation.

The seconds stretched into an eternity as I stared at the screen, the anticipation hanging in the air like a heavy curtain. The three dots, indicating a reply in progress, seemed to dance on the screen for what felt like an eternity. Yet, the reply never materialized. The dots vanished, leaving behind a void of disappointment and a subtle pang of loneliness.

A steadying breath escaped my lips, a conscious effort to shake off the lingering disappointment. With a resigned acknowledgment, I powered off my phone, watching the screen fade to black. The device, a conduit to connection, now sat silent in my hands.

Turning my attention away from the dormant phone, I shifted my gaze back to the stars. They twinkled above, unaffected by the transient disappointments of the digital realm. The night sky, a vast tapestry of constellations, held a perfect view from where I sat.

The stars, distant yet ever-present, seemed to offer a silent reassurance. In their timeless dance across the celestial canvas, I found a comfort that transcended the limitations of technology. The disappointment and loneliness lingered, but the cosmic serenity above provided a balm, a reminder that even in the quiet moments of solitude, there was a connection to something larger and more enduring.

I leaned back, feeling the cool surface of the balcony against my skin. The night enveloped me, and in the absence of digital chatter, the stars became my companions. As the world outside slept, I sat alone with the cosmos, finding solace in the silent conversation between the stars and the depths of my own contemplation.

The night wrapped around me like a blanket, the quietude amplifying the echoes of memories. Sitting on the balcony, the solitude became a canvas for nostalgia, and my mind involuntarily journeyed back to the moments with friends back home. A bittersweet smile touched my lips as I recalled the laughter, the shared secrets, and the warmth of familiarity.

Then, without warning, a wave of homesickness crashed over me. A lump formed in my throat, and I sniffled, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. But the ache in my chest intensified, and soon, I succumbed to the emotional tidal wave.

Tears streamed down my face as a sob ripped through my chest, the sound muffled by my trembling hands pressed against my mouth. I missed them all – the friends, the laughter, the comforting embrace of home. Yet, above all, the void left by my mum's absence gnawed at my heart, a wound that time had failed to fully heal.

In the silence of the night, I felt the weight of the grief that I had carried with me. The inability to contact my mum, forever beyond reach, intensified the ache. The balcony, once a refuge, became a witness to my vulnerability.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as I sat there, a sobbing mess in the stillness of the night, each tear a testament to the depth of the longing within. I muffled my cries, an attempt not to disturb the slumbering world around me.

When the waves of emotion finally receded, I took a deep breath, the cool night air soothing my tear-streaked face. The breeze picked up, as if nature itself had witnessed my breakdown. Gathering myself, I stood, wiping my face free from tears.

With a heavy heart, I retreated inside, leaving the balcony behind. The night held its silence, and Caleb's snoring, a once disruptive symphony, was now replaced by the hushed hum of the night. Crawling back into my now cold bed, I wrapped myself in the solitude of the room, the echoes of my breakdown fading into the shadows as I embraced the stillness that settled in the aftermath of emotional release.

 Crawling back into my now cold bed, I wrapped myself in the solitude of the room, the echoes of my breakdown fading into the shadows as I embraced the stillness that settled in the aftermath of emotional release

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