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The soft glow of morning filtered through the curtains as I stirred, slowly waking from the remnants of an emotionally tumultuous night

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The soft glow of morning filtered through the curtains as I stirred, slowly waking from the remnants of an emotionally tumultuous night. Blinking away the grogginess, I realized that Caleb was nowhere in sight. A mixture of relief and uncertainty washed over me. Had he heard my breakdown last night? The possibility hung in the air, but his absence provided a respite from confronting that question.

Quietly slipping out of bed, I tiptoed across the room and headed towards the bathroom. To my surprise, luck was on my side. The usually bustling corridor outside was empty, and as I entered the bathroom, the solitude within mirrored the stillness of the early morning.

Taking a moment to appreciate the unexpected vacancy, I moved through the familiar routine, finding a temporary escape in the mundane tasks. The bathroom, usually a hive of activity, now offered a quiet sanctuary where I could collect my thoughts without the prying eyes or curious glances of others.

Once I had tended to my morning necessities, I headed back to my dorm room. The halls remained mercifully deserted, allowing me to navigate the space without the potential awkwardness of running into someone. The solitude, both a blessing and a reminder of my current displacement, hung in the air as I made my way back to the room that had become my uneasy sanctuary.

As I stepped inside, the lingering quiet of the early morning embraced me. The events of the previous night felt like a distant memory, shrouded in the folds of dawn. The room, now devoid of Caleb's presence, held the echoes of the night's vulnerability. With a deep breath, I faced the new day, the weight of yesterday's emotions now tempered by the promise of a fresh start.

As I stood in front of the mirror, applying the finishing touches to my makeup, my phone buzzed with a message. It was Ash, and the words illuminated the screen, asking if I wanted to join them for breakfast. A quick smile touched my lips, and I shot back a reply, agreeing to the impromptu morning gathering.

Once satisfied with my appearance, I made my way to the dining hall, the anticipation of a shared meal with newfound friends adding a buoyancy to my step. Spotting Ash and Kenzie amidst the bustling crowd, I joined them, the trio now ready to embark on a shared breakfast adventure.

The dining hall offered an array of choices, and I opted for a pastry, a fruit salad, and an iced chai – a combination that promised a delightful start to the day. With our breakfast selections in hand, we scanned the surroundings, a momentary indecision marking our faces.

Kenzie, always quick on her feet, suggested sitting outside. The idea resonated with us, and we made our way through the courtyard near the dining hall. The morning sun cast a warm glow, and a gentle breeze carried the promise of a beautiful day.

Finding a spot under an oak tree, we settled on the grass, creating our own breakfast haven. The vibrant colors of our meals contrasted with the lush greenery around us. The morning sun bathed everything in a golden hue as we chatted, laughed, and savored the simple pleasure of sharing a meal together.

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