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As I finished applying the last stroke of mascara, the dorm room buzzed with excitement

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As I finished applying the last stroke of mascara, the dorm room buzzed with excitement. Kenzie, Ash, and I were gearing up for Caleb's second home game of the season, an event we were all eagerly anticipating. Matthew, lounging on the edge of my bed, was more preoccupied with admiring Ash than the impending basketball match.

I inspected myself in the mirror, contemplating a way to add a personal touch to my game day look. That's when the idea struck me – why not sport Caleb's number on my cheek? Kenzie, always ready for a fun idea, quickly jumped on board, deciding to showcase Lucas's number on hers.

The room echoed with laughter and excitement as we put the finishing touches on our game day makeup. I grinned at Kenzie, "You think Lucas will recognize his number on your cheek?" She smirked, "Oh, he's definitely going to be in for a surprise."

Ash, glancing over from her conversation with Matthew, chimed in, "You two are going to steal the spotlight, but I bet the guys will love it." Matthew, looking appreciatively at Ash, nodded in agreement, seemingly lost in admiration.

After a few minutes of careful application, our cheeky homage to our favorite basketball players was complete. Kenzie's mischievous grin matched mine as we exchanged amused glances in the mirror. The numbers, bold and proud, added a playful flair to our game day attire.

the numbers were boldly displayed on our cheeks, we couldn't help but giggle at the playful addition to our game day attire. I looked at Kenzie, mischief in my eyes, "Let's see if Caleb notices." She winked back, "And let's see how long it takes for Lucas to catch on."

It had been a couple of days since we had transformed his locks into a vibrant shade of pink, and Kenzie, unknowingly, was yet to witness the striking change. The anticipation of her reaction added an extra layer of excitement to the day.

Not wanting to spoil the surprise, we had tactfully avoided mentioning Lucas's new hair color, leaving Kenzie with a growing sense of curiosity. The numerous hats Lucas had been sporting lately had only fueled her suspicions, making today's unveiling all the more intriguing.

As we gathered our things to head to the game, our conversation shifted to Lucas's recent hair transformation. "I can't wait to see Kenzie's face when she finds out about Lucas's pink hair," I whispered to Matt. He grinned, "It's going to be priceless. We've kept this secret well."

As we made our way to the basketball arena, cheekily adorned with our numbers, the atmosphere brimmed with a blend of enthusiasm and playful secrets. The anticipation of both the basketball game and the surprise awaiting Kenzie filled the air. Little did she know that beyond the cheering crowd and the thrilling plays on the court, a colorful reveal was set to unfold, adding an extra layer of excitement to the day.

The excitement in the air was palpable as we settled into our seats, the buzz of the crowd echoing through the arena. Ash, Kenzie, Matthew, and I chatted animatedly about the game, eagerly anticipating the players' entrance onto the court.

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