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It was the final day of the bet, and as the appointed time for our "Lucas wake-up checks" approached, I found myself alternating duties with Matthew

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It was the final day of the bet, and as the appointed time for our "Lucas wake-up checks" approached, I found myself alternating duties with Matthew. We had developed a routine: discreetly walking past the window of Lucas's classroom during each period he had, making sure he was wide awake and attentive.

As the bell rang for third period, it was my turn to conduct the check. I approached the window cautiously, peering inside to catch a glimpse of Lucas. To my surprise, there he was, fast asleep at his desk. A mix of disbelief and amusement washed over me. I quickly reached for my phone, capturing the evidence with a sly grin on my face, and sent the photo to Matthew.

Within seconds, his reply popped up on my screen.

Matthew: "You're kidding, right? He's actually sleeping?!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the incredulous tone in Matthew's message. It seemed our resident sleep-deprived champion had finally met his match.

Bailey: "No joke, Matt. He's out like a light. Looks like we've got some hair freedom coming our way!"

Matthew: "Haha, I can't wait to see his reaction. Good job, Bailey!"

With a sense of triumph, I continued on my way to class, eager to witness Lucas's reaction when he discovered that his three-day triumph had come to a sleepy end. The bet had been a source of amusement and camaraderie, and I couldn't help but look forward to the playful banter and laughs that awaited us later in the day.

As lunchtime rolled around, Matthew and I decided to venture into town to gather the supplies needed for the impending makeover of Lucas's hair. The chemist seemed like the perfect place to find an array of hair products to make our bet winnings truly memorable.

We strolled down the aisles, scanning shelves filled with colorful bottles and tubes. I couldn't help but tease Matthew about his budding romantic interest in Ashley.

"So, spill the details, Matt. How'd the date with Ashley go? Planning something special for the third one?" I inquired, a mischievous grin playing on my lips.

Matthew's cheeks immediately tinted pink, and he fidgeted with the basket he was holding. "Uh, well, you know, it went... really well. And, uh, I'm still figuring out the third-date plan," he admitted, avoiding eye contact.

I nudged him playfully. "Come on, spill the romance! Any sparks? Fireworks?"

He chuckled nervously. "Maybe a few sparks. She's just... I don't know, Bailey. She's different. It's a good different."

I couldn't help but smile at the sincerity in his voice. "That's sweet, Matt. Third-date ideas, huh? How about something unexpected? Like a spontaneous day trip or trying out a cooking class together?"

Matthew considered my suggestions, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yeah, those could work. I'll think about it. Thanks, Bailey."

As we continued to peruse the shelves, the atmosphere lightened. Our conversation shifted to other topics, ranging from the latest school gossip to our plans for the upcoming weekend. The chemist outing turned into a playful adventure, and the prospect of transforming Lucas's hair added an extra layer of excitement to the day.

As Matthew and I walked back to school, he couldn't help but notice the unusually happy mood radiating from me. He nudged me playfully, raising an eyebrow.

"Alright, Bailey, spill the beans. What's got you grinning like you won the lottery?" he asked, a curious glint in his eyes.

My cheeks flushed as I contemplated whether to share the details, but I couldn't resist confiding in my friend. "Okay, so, last night, Caleb and I went out for dinner. It was amazing, Matt. We talked, laughed, shared food—just an incredible time."

Matthew's eyes widened with interest. "Dinner, huh? Just the two of you?"

I nodded, a smile playing on my lips. "Yeah, just the two of us. But here's the thing, Matt, was it a date? I mean, I hope it was a date. Is it bad that I hope it was a date?"

Matthew chuckled, clearly enjoying my excitement. "Bailey, that sounds like a date to me. And no, it's not bad at all. If you enjoyed it, then that's what matters."

I couldn't contain my rambling thoughts. "But what if it wasn't a date? What if it was just a friendly dinner? I mean, he paid, and there were some moments that felt date-like, but..."

Matthew interrupted with a reassuring grin. "Bailey, trust me. I've known Caleb for a while, and I've never seen him act like that with any other girl. I think there's a good chance it was a date."

A mix of nervousness and excitement bubbled within me. "You really think so?"

He nodded. "Absolutely. And if you want my advice, enjoy the uncertainty. Sometimes, the best things come when you least expect them."

As we continued our conversation, the prospect of a budding connection with Caleb filled me with a newfound sense of joy and anticipation.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, and with it, the commencement of our plan. Matt and I exchanged triumphant glances, knowing it was time to unveil our evidence to Lucas. We swiftly tracked him down, and with proof in hand, we cornered him.

"Lucas, my man, we've got something to show you," Matt announced with a mischievous grin.

Lucas raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "What are you guys up to?"

I brandished my phone, revealing the incriminating photo of him snoozing in class. "Caught in the act, my friend. We've got undeniable proof that you broke the bet."

Lucas scratched his head, a sheepish grin forming on his face. "Alright, you got me. But what's the punishment?"

I exchanged a glance with Matt, and we simultaneously revealed the bag of supplies we'd brought along. "Welcome to the hair salon, Lucas," I said, suppressing a laugh.

His eyes widened in realization. "You guys are serious about this?"

"Dead serious," Matt affirmed, slapping Lucas on the back. "Let's get this show on the road."

We guided Lucas to Faraway Hall's communal bathroom, determined to carry out our playful revenge. As we entered, Matt and I exchanged excited glances, ready to transform Lucas's hair into a masterpiece. The mischievous atmosphere in the air promised an evening of laughter and camaraderie as we embarked on this unexpected hairstyling adventure.

Just as we were about to start the process, ee and Matthew reading over the bleach instructions determined not to mess this up, Caleb strolled into the bathroom. His eyes widened at the sight of the bleach kit and the spectrum of vibrant hair dyes scattered across the counter. He settled beside me, his curiosity evident in his arched eyebrows.

"What's going on here?" Caleb asked, a bemused grin tugging at his lips.

I held up the bleach kit with a mischievous grin. "Lucas lost the bet, so Matt and I decided to give him a hair makeover. Payback for dozing off in class."

Caleb laughed, connecting the dots. "So, that's why he wasn't at basketball practice. I was wondering."

Lucas, seated on a stool, offered a sheepish smile. "Yeah, Bailey and Matt kidnapped me for this."

Feigning shock, both Matt and I gasped dramatically in disbelief. "Kidnapped? Well, we can't let you off the hook that easily," I teased, winking at Lucas.

The bathroom echoed with laughter, and the camaraderie among us blossomed into an unexpected bonding moment. As we delved into the hair transformation, the atmosphere became a blend of creativity, friendship, and shared laughter.

Thank for reading :) ❤️

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