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I awoke to a dorm bathed in the soft glow of morning light

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I awoke to a dorm bathed in the soft glow of morning light. The silence was a welcome contrast to the chaos of the previous night. Caleb had yet to return, and a wave of relief washed over me. The room, temporarily mine, offered a brief respite from the awkward encounter.

After a refreshing shower, I went about the business of getting ready for the day. The unfamiliar routine of settling into this new life became a series of motions – selecting clothes, brushing my hair, and adjusting to the reality that this room, despite the initial clash, was now a part of my daily existence.

As I finished packing the remnants of my belongings into their designated spaces, a glance at the clock reminded me of the tasks that lay ahead. With a sense of determination, I made my way to the front office, my keycard and a list of questions in hand.

The receptionist, Mrs. Simmons, greeted me with a warm smile. "Good morning, Bailey. How can I help you today?"

I returned the smile, albeit with a hint of reservation. "I need to grab my uniform, and I have some questions about my dorm room."

Mrs. Simmons nodded, her expression attentive. "Of course. Let's start with your uniform." She handed me a neatly folded set of clothes – the prescribed attire for students in this new chapter of my life.

As I examined the uniform, I couldn't help but ponder the uniqueness of my situation. "Can we talk about my dorm room?" I inquired, a note of uncertainty in my voice.

Mrs. Simmons motioned for me to take a seat. "Certainly, Bailey. What would you like to discuss?"

I took a deep breath, preparing to broach the subject delicately. "I noticed I'm the only girl in my dorm, and I was wondering if there's a possibility to switch to a different one. It's just, well, it's a bit uncomfortable."

Mrs. Simmons listened attentively, her gaze sympathetic. "I understand your concern, Bailey. However, our dorm assignments are typically fixed. Let me check the records, but keep in mind that changes are rarely approved."

As she consulted her computer, I tried to mask my disappointment. The room, initially a refuge, now felt like an awkward anomaly. Mrs. Simmons confirmed what I feared. "I'm sorry, Bailey, but it seems we don't have any available rooms for a switch at the moment."

I nodded, a mix of frustration and acceptance settling within me. "Okay, thanks for checking."

She offered a reassuring smile. "I know it might not be ideal, but sometimes these situations can lead to unexpected friendships and experiences. Give it a chance, and who knows, it might turn out better than you expect."

With a nod of gratitude, I left the front office, the weight of reality settling on my shoulders. The room, my sanctuary turned potential source of discomfort, awaited my return. As I navigated the hallways, I resolved to approach this new chapter with an open mind, hoping that the unfamiliarity of today might transform into the familiarity of tomorrow.

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