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Friday arrives, bringing with it a sense of accomplishment and the promise of a well-deserved weekend

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Friday arrives, bringing with it a sense of accomplishment and the promise of a well-deserved weekend. The week had sped by, filled with laughter and fun, and surprisingly, Caleb seemed to have become more comfortable around all of us, especially me.

As I head down to the dining hall, the anticipation of the weekend hangs in the air. The familiar faces of my friends greet me, and together we grab dinner and settle down at a table. The atmosphere is relaxed, filled with the contentment that comes with the end of a busy week.

After devouring our dinners and securing our desserts, we engage in small conversations. Currently, I find myself chatting with Kenzie, curious about the happenings in the swim team. "So, how's the swim team doing? Any exciting competitions or events coming up?"

Kenzie, with a twinkle in her eye, shares the latest updates on the swim team's progress and the upcoming events. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and it's clear that she's genuinely passionate about swimming. "We've got a big meet next week, and everyone's putting in extra practice. I'm hoping we can make a splash in the competition, no pun intended."

 "That's awesome! I'll make sure to come cheer you all on. You'll be the star of the pool, Kenzie."

We share a laugh, and I can't help but appreciate these moments of camaraderie. The week may have flown by, but the connections forged and the memories made have transformed it into something special. The prospect of a weekend ahead, filled with possibilities and more shared moments, brings a smile to my face.

Engrossed in conversation with Kenzie, I'm momentarily oblivious to the mischievous move Caleb is about to pull. Suddenly, I sense his hand reaching over to snag a bite of my dessert. I turn around just a second too late, catching him with a sheepish grin, feigning innocence.

"Hey, you little shit! That was mine." I gasp.

Caleb chuckles, and with a hint of mock hurt, I decide to reciprocate. Leaning in, I swiftly steal a bite from his dessert, prompting genuine laughter from him. For a moment, our eyes lock, and there's a playful connection that seems to transcend words.

The atmosphere shifts, and it feels like we're moving on autopilot, inching closer, the playful banter evolving into something more intimate. However, before anything can happen, Matthew's laughter breaks the spell, bringing us back to the present. "What's got you two so smitten over there? Sharing desserts like lovebirds?"

Caught off guard by our friends' attention, we both blush, quickly looking down at our desserts, the lighthearted moment dissipating into friendly banter. The laughter and camaraderie at the table continue, but there's a subtle undercurrent, a shared glance and a connection that lingers, promising the potential for something more. The unspoken tension adds a subtle layer to the Friday evening, leaving us both with a sense of anticipation for what the future might hold.

Eagerly anticipating the movie night, I get ready in my dorm, opting for comfort in pajama shorts and a cozy oversized t-shirt. It's a revelation, almost amusing, when I realize that Caleb and I have unintentionally matched – his pants complementing my shorts. There's a sense of camaraderie in this small coincidence that adds an extra layer of comfort.

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