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The morning light filters through the window, signaling the start of a new day

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The morning light filters through the window, signaling the start of a new day. I roll out of bed, stretching my limbs as I shake off the remnants of sleep. As I glance at the clock, the realization hits that I need to get ready for school.

The routine is familiar now. I quickly gather my essentials, and make my way to the communal bathroom to freshen up. After a quick shower and the usual morning routine, running a brush through my hair and deciding on a simple yet presentable outfit for the day. The dorm room is quiet; Caleb is probably still catching up on sleep. I head downstairs, hoping to grab a bite before the hustle and bustle of the school day begins.

The scent of breakfast wafts through the air as I enter the dining hall. The buzz of conversation and clinking of dishes accompanies the sight of fellow students grabbing a quick meal before classes. I join the line, contemplating my breakfast options and looking forward to the day ahead.

I weave through the bustling hallways on my way to the history class, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of the day ahead. As I turn a corner, I come across Matt, his face adorned with a wide grin that seems to radiate positivity.

Intrigued, I ask him what has him in such high spirits. With excitement in his voice, as Matt and I chat in the hallway, his grin widens even further.

"Bailey, you won't believe it. Ash said yes to a second date!" Matt practically beams, the excitement evident in his voice.

I can't help but share in his joy. "That's fantastic, Matt! I'm so happy for you. When's the big day?"

"We're thinking this weekend. I'm thinking of taking her to that new Italian place downtown," he replies, enthusiasm bubbling over.

"That sounds perfect! She's going to love it," I assure him, genuinely thrilled for our friend.After a few more exchanges, I bid Matt farewell and make my way to class.

Upon entering the history classroom, I notice Lucas, as usual, peacefully asleep at his desk. His relaxed posture stands in stark contrast to the animated buzz of the waking world around him. Chuckling to myself, I find my seat and prepare for the start of the day's lessons.

As the bell rings, signaling the end of history class, I quickly gather my belongings and head to art with Ash. The excitement in her voice is contagious as she elaborates on her plans for the upcoming date with Matt.'

We reach the art room, and I can hardly contain my own grin. It's hard not to feel genuinely happy when your friend is so thrilled. Taking our seats, we dive into another session of artistic expression.

Ash decides I'm her muse for the day, as I settle onto the stool, Ash readies her paintbrush, a mischievous glint in her eyes.  "So spill the details, Bailey, I know you spoke to him earlier! What does Matt have planned for our second date? The anticipation is killing me." she groaned sliding down her chair a little.

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