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Meeting up with the girls outside, I felt a rush of relief as we headed towards Kenzie's car

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Meeting up with the girls outside, I felt a rush of relief as we headed towards Kenzie's car. The music blasted through the open windows, setting the perfect vibe for our beach adventure. Laughter and excited chatter filled the air as we drove towards the picturesque destination, ready for a night filled with good company.

Once we arrived at the beach, the anticipation grew. We set up for a picnic and a fire, creating a cozy spot to watch the sunset. The soft glow of the sinking sun painted the sky in warm hues, casting a magical atmosphere over our gathering.

I took out my phone and connected it to the portable speaker I brought along. The music began to play, enhancing the already delightful ambiance. We worked together to set up our little haven, arranging blankets, pillows, and snacks while capturing the moment with playful photos.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, we gathered around the fire, its flickering flames adding to the enchantment of the evening. The beach, the music, and the laughter created a moment of joy and camaraderie, helping me forget the awkward encounter with Caleb and focus on the warmth of friendship.

The sand beneath us, we shared stories and jokes, passing around snacks as the flames danced in the fire pit. Kenzie and Ash talked about their latest classes, giggling at some inside jokes, while I couldn't resist but share a conspiracy theory that had recently piqued my interest.

"Okay, listen to this," I began, excitement lacing my voice. "What if the moon landing was actually staged? I mean, there are so many theories out there!"

Kenzie laughed, "Bailey, you and your conspiracy theories! You're going to make me question everything."

Ash chimed in, "Hey, I'm all for a good conspiracy. What's your take on it, Bailey?"

As I delved into the details, explaining the various perspectives on the moon landing, we all got engrossed in the discussion. The crackling fire provided a backdrop to our animated conversation, and I found comfort in the genuine smiles and laughter shared between friends.

As we savored the last bites of our picnic dinner, the conversation meandered into various topics—school, hobbies, and inevitably, relationships. Kenzie, always the one to dive into the more personal aspects of our lives, casually prodded the discussion toward romantic interests.

"So, spill it, Ash. What's the latest in your love life?" Kenzie asked with a mischievous grin, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Ash glanced around at our expectant faces, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Well, guys, I've got some news. I went on a date with Matt a few days ago."

Instantly, the atmosphere shifted. Kenzie and I exchanged wide-eyed glances, absorbing the revelation. Ash, feeling the weight of our anticipation, let out a nervous giggle.

"You went on a date, and you didn't tell us immediately? Ash, we need all the romantic specifics!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

A blush crept up on Ash's cheeks as she started to share the details of her date. The warmth of the fire flickered in the background, casting a cozy glow over our little circle.The joyous atmosphere of the beach was heightened by Ash's revelation.

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