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As we savored our dinner, the air buzzed with excitement and chatter

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As we savored our dinner, the air buzzed with excitement and chatter. Amid the lively conversations and laughter, Ash and Kenzie couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in dynamics between Caleb and me. With mischievous grins, they exchanged glances, silently agreeing to probe into the unspoken truths lingering beneath the surface. The confession, a delicate secret, was ready to escape the confines of my heart.

As the animated chatter continued, Ash leaned in, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Bailey, spill the tea! What's going on between you and Caleb? There's something different, something... dare I say, romantic?"

Kenzie joined in with an enthusiastic nod. "Yeah, spill the details! We've been watching you two, and it's like there's this electric energy."

I chuckled nervously, realizing that my friends were astute observers. "Oh, come on, you two. It's not that obvious, is it?"

Ash raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Well, let's just say we have a sixth sense for these things. Now, dish!"

Amidst the lively conversations, I hesitated no longer. "Okay, okay," I conceded, a playful grin on my face. "You caught me. I... I have feelings for Caleb."

Ash and Kenzie erupted into delighted squeals, their eyes gleaming with excitement. "We knew it!" they chorused in unison, drawing curious glances from nearby tables.

I glanced over at Caleb, who was engaged in a conversation with Lucas and Matthew. Blushing, I spilled the details of the previous night, the unintentional date that felt like a revelation. "We went to dinner, and it was..." I trailed off, a shy smile playing on my lips as I remembered the warmth in Caleb's eyes. "It was incredible. I think... I think he likes me too."

Their eyes widened with anticipation, and Kenzie nudged me playfully. "Go on! What happened?"

I blushed, my words tumbling out in a rush. "Well, it was incredible. We talked, laughed, and it just felt... different. I can't quite explain it."

Ash leaned back, wearing a satisfied grin. "A dinner date, huh? Looks like our intuition was spot on!" Their squeals reached a crescendo, and the whole dining hall seemed to pause for a moment to witness our revelation. Amidst the celebratory chaos, I couldn't help but glance across the room at Caleb. Our eyes met, and his smile held a depth of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of what had transpired between us.

Ash and Kenzie bombarded me with questions, drawing my gaze back to them, their excitement contagious. "What did he say? How did he look at you?" they probed, their curiosity fueled by genuine happiness for my newfound connection.

Kenzie joined in the teasing. "So, are you two, like, a thing now?"

I shrugged, my smile growing. "I don't know. It felt like a date, but who knows? I think he likes me too, but we haven't really talked about it."

Their excitement bubbled over, and Ash couldn't contain her delight. "Bailey, this is amazing! You and Caleb would make such a cute couple."

As I navigated through the whirlwind of their inquiries, Caleb's gaze remained a comforting anchor, assuring me that this revelation had brought us closer in a way that transcended the unspoken boundaries of friendship. Blushing under the combined attention of my friends and Caleb, I couldn't help but feel the exhilaration of acknowledging what had been growing between us.

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