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I groan as Caleb's voice breaks through the haze of sleep, his words filtering slowly into my consciousness

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I groan as Caleb's voice breaks through the haze of sleep, his words filtering slowly into my consciousness. Cancel plans? Watch the sunrise? It sounds dreamy, but my cozy cocoon of blankets is calling me back into slumber.

"Just five more minutes," I mumble, the warmth of the blanket beckoning me back to sleep.

Caleb groans in mock annoyance at my response, hands on his hips as he looks down at me. His smile breaks free despite his feigned exasperation. "Come on, Bailey," he says, his tone playful yet determined. "You promised you'd join me for this sunrise adventure."

I peer up at him from beneath the covers, his silhouette framed by the soft moonlight filtering through the window. "I have no memory of promising any such thing," I protest, feigning innocence.

Caleb only grins in response, undeterred by my protest. "Well, consider it an impromptu promise," he says, reaching out to gently tug the blanket away from me. "Now, come on. We don't want to miss it."

But I only grip my blanket tighter, determined to cling to the warmth for just a few more precious moments.

As Caleb stands before me, his excitement radiates off him like sunlight. His dark hair is tousled from sleep, and the soft moon light filters through the window, casting an almost etheral glow over his bare chest and the sweatpants he's thrown on. For a moment, I find myself lost in the sight, admiring the easy way he carries himself, the way his smile lights up his face.

He's talking, I can tell by the movement of his lips, but I'm lost in my own thoughts, mesmerized by the way the moonlight plays across his features. It's only when he reaches for the blanket that I snap back to reality, feeling the sudden chill as he rips it away, leaving me exposed to the cool morning air.

I shoot him a death glare, but he only laughs, his eyes sparkling with mischief. It's moments like these, when he's so carefree and spontaneous, that I can't help but admire him even more. With a playful smirk, "Come on, Bailey," he says, flashing me that irresistible grin. "You won't regret it."

Reluctantly, I drag myself out of bed, swiping at my tousled hair and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. If Caleb's enthusiasm is anything to go by, today is going to be one for the books. With a resigned sigh and a hint of excitement tickling my stomach, I give in.

"Okay, okay," I finally concede, unable to resist his persuasive charm. "But only because you're promising food."

Caleb grins triumphantly, knowing he's won this battle. With a playful wink, he springs into action, urging me to get ready for our impromptu sunrise adventure. As I reluctantly roll out of bed, I can't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of what the day might hold.

I quickly get ready, brushing my hair and teeth before slipping into one of Caleb's hoodies over my pajamas—a tank top and shorts. I grab some socks and slip on my Birkenstocks, feeling cozy and comfortable.

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