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The sun hung high in the sky as Lucas, Matthew, and I strolled through the quaint town, the day stretching out ahead of us like an open canvas

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The sun hung high in the sky as Lucas, Matthew, and I strolled through the quaint town, the day stretching out ahead of us like an open canvas. We decided to start our day with some shopping, exploring the local boutiques that lined the streets. Lucas, ever the fashion enthusiast, eagerly led the way, eyes lighting up at the prospect of updating his wardrobe.

"Man, I've been eyeing this jacket for weeks," Lucas exclaimed, holding up a sleek leather jacket. Matthew and I exchanged amused glances as Lucas debated the pros and cons of making the purchase. In the end, the jacket won, and we continued our leisurely stroll through the town.

As the day unfolded, we found ourselves drawn to a small café nestled between two shops. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, inviting us in. We settled into a cozy corner booth, the atmosphere buzzing with the hum of animated conversations and the clinking of cutlery.

Over lunch, we delved into casual banter, sharing stories and joking about everything and nothing. The laughter echoed in the small space, creating an easy camaraderie. It was in the midst of this relaxed atmosphere that Lucas dropped his bombshell.

"You guys, I've got something to confess," Lucas said, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.

Matthew and I exchanged curious glances, the unspoken question hanging in the air. "What's up, man?" I prompted.

Lucas took a deep breath. "I... I think I've got feelings for Kenzie."

The revelation hit us like a bolt from the blue. Matthew's eyes widened in surprise, mirroring my own astonishment. We both sat in stunned silence for a moment, processing the unexpected turn of events.

"Whoa, Lucas, really?" Matthew finally managed to articulate, breaking the silence.

Lucas nodded, a mixture of excitement and nervousness in his expression. "Yeah, guys. I didn't plan for it, but I can't shake these feelings. I needed to tell someone."

As the conversation about Lucas's feelings for Kenzie continued, the dynamic shifted into a more serious and introspective tone.

Matthew leaned back in his chair, sipping his coffee thoughtfully. "Lucas, this is a big deal. Have you talked to Kenzie about it?"

Lucas sighed, running a hand through his hair. "No, not yet. I wanted to figure out my own feelings first. I don't want to complicate things for her."

I chimed in, "You know, honesty is crucial in these situations. If you're feeling this way, Kenzie deserves to know. It's not fair to keep it from her."

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