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One day, during a particularly mundane stretch of classes, the mischievous spirit took hold of Matthew and me

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One day, during a particularly mundane stretch of classes, the mischievous spirit took hold of Matthew and me. Boredom was our accomplice as we exchanged glances and hatched a plan. Our target? Lucas, the unsuspecting victim of our scheme.

Leaning in, I whispered to Matthew, "What if we bet Lucas that he can't go three days without sleeping through any of his classes?"

Matthew's eyes lit up with mischief. "And if he loses?"

"We get free rein over his hair," I suggested, trying not to burst into laughter at the absurdity of our proposition.

Matthew grinned, "Deal."

Our conspiratorial whispers reached Lucas, who was seated nearby. He looked intrigued, eyebrow raised in curiosity. We approached him with our proposition, presenting the terms of the bet. His confidence shone through as he agreed, his eyes twinkling with the anticipation of an easy victory.

"Piece of cake," he declared, chuckling at the idea that he could outsmart sleep itself.

Little did he know, the next few days would be an amusing escapade, filled with stealthy attempts to stay awake during lectures and a mounting suspense about the fate of his hair. The challenge was set, the bet was made, and the mischievous game between friends had begun.

The first day of the bet unfolded with an air of mischievous anticipation. As Lucas confidently embarked on his quest to defy sleep, his swagger was hard to ignore. His pride and bravado seemed to grow with every successfully attended class, and a sly grin played on his lips, betraying the triumphant satisfaction he felt.

Throughout the day, I observed Lucas as he navigated the challenges of staying awake. His tactics were both amusing and commendable—sudden jolts, caffeinated beverages, and even some creative doodling to keep his mind engaged. With each class he conquered, his confidence swelled.

Between classes, Lucas couldn't resist gloating. He'd swagger over to Matthew and me, a victorious gleam in his eyes. "One down, two to go," he'd say, throwing in a playful wink as if he'd already claimed the prize.

Matthew and I exchanged amused glances, trying to contain our laughter at Lucas's theatrical displays of success. It was a game within a game, a theatrical performance of determination, and for that day, at least, Lucas reveled in the spotlight of his perceived triumph. The bet had just begun, and the campus buzzed with the energy of our playful competition.

Day two of the bet unfolded with Lucas still riding high on his perceived victory. Over lunch, his confidence seemed to radiate, drawing the attention of Kenzie, who couldn't help but notice his upbeat demeanor.

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