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As the weekend draws to a close, I find myself filled with a bittersweet mix of emotions

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As the weekend draws to a close, I find myself filled with a bittersweet mix of emotions. Sitting in art class, posing for Ash's latest project, my mind keeps drifting back to my date with Caleb and the electrifying kiss we shared. I can't help but smile at the memory, my cheeks flushing as I relive the moment in my mind.

However, my reverie is abruptly interrupted when Ash shoots me a pointed look, her brow furrowing in concern. "Bailey, you're smiling again," she chides softly, her tone laced with amusement.

I let out a giggle at being caught, unable to contain the happiness bubbling up inside me. Ash's infectious laughter joins mine, filling the air with a sense of lightness and joy. But our mirth doesn't go unnoticed by the teacher, who quickly reprimands us for disrupting the class.

Rolling our eyes in unison, Ash and I sober up, stifling our laughter as we return to our respective tasks. But as we work, Ash can't resist probing me about the source of my happiness. "Come on, spill the beans," she urges, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

I simply shrug, feigning innocence as I reply, "Nothing, just lost in my own thoughts."

Ash doesn't seem convinced, but she lets the matter drop for now, turning her attention back to her painting. I know it won't be long before she teams up with Kenzie to try and pry the details out of me, but for now, I'm content to keep the magic of my date with Caleb to myself, savoring every moment in blissful secrecy.

As I step out of art class, I'm pleasantly surprised to find Caleb waiting for me. A smile lights up my face as he greets me with a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Hey there," he says, his voice warm and affectionate.

"Hey," I reply, feeling a rush of happiness at seeing him. He takes my bag and books in his arms, effortlessly assuming the role of the perfect gentleman, and then reaches for my hand with his free one. Our fingers intertwine naturally as he leads me down the hallway towards my locker.

"So, how was art?" he asks, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest.

I shrug, a grin tugging at my lips. "Same old, same old. Although Ash and I did manage to get ourselves in trouble for laughing too much," I admit, chuckling at the memory.

Caleb laughs, the sound filling the air with warmth. "Sounds like you two had fun, at least."

"Yeah, we did," I reply, leaning into him as we walk. Being with Caleb always feels so effortless, like we've been together for much longer than we actually have. It's a feeling I never want to let go of.

As I'm putting away my books, Caleb leans in and whispers into my ear, asking me to skip my math class and join him in his PE class. "Come on, Bailey, it'll be way more fun than algebra," he says with a mischievous grin.

His request catches me off guard, but before I can even process it, I find myself agreeing almost too quickly. "Sure, why not?" I reply with a grin, feeling a rush of excitement at the spontaneity of it all. His grin widens, and he leans down to kiss me, but I playfully push his face away with my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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