~~51: ATEEZ JongSang - No Shit Pt.1~~

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"Choi Jongho? His tactics are shittier than a surveillance camera's quality." Yeosang said as he was sitting in his department, chatting with his co-workers. Yeosang and this said 'Choi Jongho' guy are both heads of their department as agent-in-charge. They both trained from a young age, following their parents footsteps and they're both heads of department only in their mid-twenties. However, despite their work being pretty similar, they aren't very fond of eachother's tactics as spies, they're pretty much rivals.

"Boss, sheriff Wang's here to see you." one of his agents said before he headed over to the sheriff outside their room.
"Agent Kang, there's a new case I need you to look into. There was a murder this morning at the local café where three men killed a single mum and kidnapped her and her three kids; two boys and a girl, ages 4, 11, & 15, and the murderers took the bodies." the sheriff said, handing Yeosang a couple pictures and a USB.
"Gotcha, already on it, thanks sheriff!" Yeosang proceeded to run back to his team before the sheriff called back to him.
"Wait, agent Kang, one more thing."
"Yes?" he said, stopping and walking back.
"I'm gonna need you to work with the other spy department's head for this, agent Choi Jongho."

Yeosang's face dropped upon hearing those words.
"Unfortunately I can't have your entire team doing this, nor can I have his entire team doing this, it's far too risky, especially since this is a pretty big case and we can't grab too much attention, so we need to make it as slik yet as quick as possible. All that your teams can do is look into stuff at the station, and not leave it so that they're not seen. Understood?"
"Yes, sherrif." Yeosang obliged.
"Oh, and I've told agent Choi to come to your office tomorrow afternoon-ish when you've both gathered up some ideas."
"Okay, thank you, sheriff."
"Thanks, agent." the sheriff said, patting Yeosang's shoulder before leaving as Yeosang went back to his team to tell them what's going to happen.

"Alright listen up everybody! We've got a new case on our hands, and it's filthy in multiple ways."

Once Yeosang finished explaining to his team what's going to be happening for this case, all of his team frowned and began to complain.
"Guys, I know it's frustrating, but it's what the sheriff wants. And he has a fair point. I wish you guys could come too, but it's too risky. You'll still be part of it and doing the case, just not physically if that makes sense." Yeosang explained as his team obliged.
"Okay, let's start gathering ideas then, shall we?" Yeosang said, inserting the USB he got from the sheriff into his computer as his team gathered behind him to see the footage.

the next day~~

Yeosang was in his office, waiting for the appearance of Choi Jongho. He had the documents of all the ideas and assumptions him and his team came up with, ready to be discussed.
About three o'clock in the afternoon, Jongho finally decided to show up.
"Ah, if it isn't agent Choi Jongho, glad to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you." Yeosang coldly said while shaking his hand. Although he did take in his delicate, eye-catching features and tanned skin. But Yeosang just thought that just because he looked good doesn't mean he's also good at what he does.
"Same goes for you, agent Kang." Jongho responded also rather coldly, yet with a smile on his face. He too, was mesmerized by Yeosang's handsome features and firm build. He couldn't decide whether he was pleasantly surprised or if it was what he was expecting from someone so terrible in his opinion.

"So, let's get straight to it shall we?"

After they'd combined their thoughts, they came to the conclusion that they'd initiate the mission the very next day by going to the café as spies where the incident happened and asking the baristas and customers some questions.

"Ya know, Sheriff Wang said they killed the mum and kidnapped her and her three kids which means there's no evidence that the kids aren't alive." Jongho pointed out.
"No shit, Sherlock" Yeosang back-chatted under his breath.
"Excuse me?" Jongho pardoned.
"I didn't say anything." Yeosang told him.

"Okay, I'll get going now, let's meet here again tomorrow morning at about eight o'clock." Jongho said as he opened the door, preparing to leave.
"Yup. Bye." was all that Yeosang said before Jongho left, letting the door close behind him.

"This should be fun." Yeosang said, sighing.

Meanwhile, over in Jongho's department, just when he got back from his talk with Yeosang he sighed and sat down, grabbing his cup of coffee and shutting his eyes for a moment.
"Remind me why did Sheriff Wang pair me up with this thickass?" Jongho sighed out and then went to take a sip of coffee which had nothing but a drop left in it.
"Ugh and my coffee's out!" he groaned.
"Would you like me to make you one, boss?" one of the undercover agents asked.
"Please" Jongho replied.

the next day~

It was approximately 8:10 in the morning and Yeosang was driving him and Jongho to the café.
As they went in Yeosang started speaking to the barista immediately, squeezing past all the waiting customers.
"Agent Kang and Agent Jongho, both agents-in-charge from Seoul Gangseo Police Station, we're here to ask a few questions about the recent murder and kidnapping that happened here."
The barista seemed to be a bit stunned and frozen but gave in nevertheless as all the other baristas went quiet and all you could hear apart from the chatter in the café was the groaning of the customers who were waiting in line to get their coffee.

After asking them and a few of the customers who were witnesses some questions, they came to one conclusion.

"With all this going around, I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to temporarily close up until this case is solved, or atleast figured out. Might be a few days, but it could be months. We'll inspect the area and try find traces." Jongho told the manager who seemed to be speechless, but then managed to utter out a few words.
"Ye- yes sir. I- I'll close it at the end of today." he said with a bow.
"Right, we'll get going then, thank you and sorry for the interruption." Yeosang said as the two left.

"We have to tell Sheriff Wang. The citizens need to know it's not safe right now." Yeosang said as they were walking back to the car.
"Yeah no fucking shit it's not safe, Sherlock" Jongho muttered under his breath.
"What was that?"
"Huh? Oh I said yeah of course. We'll call him in the car." Jongho replied.
"..Okay." Yeosang said, a bit confused.

few weeks later~~

"Agent Choi, I'm here to double check you have the address so we can start heading there very shortly. You clear with the plan?" Yeosang asked Jongho as he walked into his office, fixing up his 'costume'.
By now they have figured out the address of the kidnappers and the names of all four of their victims, and also their ages and backgrounds, aswell as what each of them look like. So now they're going to their house dressed up as FBI agents to go interrogate them as potential eye-witnesses as if they don't know that they're the ones who did it.

"Yes I wouldn't have magically lost it Agent Kang, that would be rather unprofessional of me now, wouldn't it? I'd also appreciate it you knocked before entering my office." Jongho replied to him as calmly as he could, but came across as more-so harsh as he walked past Yeosang to get a long coat while giving him an unintentional death glare.
"Right, my apologies." Yeosang said, but he didn't get a response from Jongho.

"Okay, let's go." Jongho said after grabbing his keys and a gun, as the two headed swiftly out the door and into one of the police cars.


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word count: 1386

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